Learning Internet

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I am a Golden Oldie and never used a computer in my working life. I attended a few beginners classes but learned little as it moved on too fast and was dominated by the usual know all. I can just about search internet and send an email. Had difficulty in opening the reply! I feel sometimes inadequate when i see all these references to browsers etc and would like to learn a little bit more. Is there any forum for people like me. For instance i only recently learned the significance of the red dots under a word.
How's about here? I've had a look through the website and it looks quite good.
There's no magic to the internet, and the best way to learn more is just to play around on your computer. If there's something you don't understand, you can just write the word on the 'search' bit of Google, and you'll usually get a reasonable explanation.
The problem with classes if you don't know very much about computers, is that you can end up feeling stupid, afraid to ask anything, flustered, and then anything you might have learned given a bit of extra time will have gone over your head. Sometimes it's easier to learn the basics first, so then you'd be able to benefit from a class, if you still wanted to go.
Plus, don't forget that the "know it alls" are secretly insecure!

There is also an book about the learning to use the internet in the 'Dummies' series ("The internet for dummies") , which might be helpful to you. (there are whole series of these books, covering various topics.They can be a bit complicated though, but they cover the basics, in addition to the more complicated things).
Hope this is of some use to you,

My dad ( 75) recently completed the ECDL and has done a course specifically on the internet in an evening course through FAS. He knows a lot more than I do but has an inferiority complex about it. I only learned through doing which means I know nothing technical and am still learning the terms.
Dewdrop why don't I believe you? You said that you had difficulty opening the reply, what you did was start a thread, you joined march 2007 and you have 155 posts. Whats that all about?
Dewdrop why don't I believe you? You said that you had difficulty opening the reply, what you did was start a thread, you joined march 2007 and you have 155 posts. Whats that all about?

Maybe Dewdrop has been trying to open the reply since March 2007 and finally thought it was time to ask for help?
Where are you? There are many courses throughout the country running courses for senior citizens in the internet and email (thanks to funding from the taoiseach's office).
If you wanted to study at your own pace you might still be able to buy the [broken link removed] You probably wouldn't need to do the exams as you don't need the qualification just the info.
thanks for all the advice. I live in Cork city. I can manage AAM O.K. but there are many other little things i would like to know. just now i am in library and checked my email and saw a blue arrow in front of a message received. a kind lady told me that it means i had replied to the message. please dont tell me i should continue this learning process!!

There are many many people out there who can't currently use the internet at all so by all accounts you are doing great! Best advice is to do a short evening course (FAS are often the cheapest). Find a course where you like the overall vibe of the learning centre and the instructor and you'll find you will enjoy the course rather than see it as a chore. You could also purchase the ECDL book by Blackrock education centre, which i think is sold in Easons for under €20. It's a great book and gives very clear concise step by step instructions.

Best of luck!
What is the significance of the red dots under a word?

Think it's that the spelling is 'questionable' - not necessarily incorrect, but it may be, so it's advisable to check it...something like that anyway.
Think it's that the spelling is 'questionable' - not necessarily incorrect, but it may be, so it's advisable to check it...something like that anyway.
That was my initial thought, but really that's a jagged red line and not red dots.

For the "smart tags" it is small purple dots (unless I'm going colour blind), so I'm still not 100% sure what the "small red dots" are in reference to.

Edit: On a closer look at Dr.M's post the smart tags are referred to as "small red dots" and "purple", so chances are he hit the nail on the head.
Some libraries arrange training courses specifically aimed at older people, or may be able to refer you to community-based courses.

You need to be prepared to be assertive when participating in training. If it goes too fast, say 'this is going too fast for me' and see what happens. The know-it-all can only dominate if you let him/her.
Galwegian 44 you are absolutely correct as it would be embarrassing to be approaching helpful staff whenever i had a query. Quite frankly i was afraid to point this out in case i incurred an infraction! I already have suffered one.
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