I asked this question on miscellaneous non-financial questions and got 49 views but no replies. Not sure if Im meant to post such a similar question on two sections so I apologise if not.
Does anyone have any experience with using Pimsleur CD's to learn a foreign language. Im considering purchasing one set for Spanish. The only problem is for the Comprehensive set there are three CD's. Intermediate low middle and high. I imagine you would need to avail of all three to get the true value of the Pimsleur technique. Here's the problem. Each CD set is about $200. In fairness each one contains 30 half hr sessions but to buy the three sets is quite an expense. Has anyone here used them before. If so, are they worthwhile.
Also does anyone know where I can get them for cheaper ??
Or better still, try [broken link removed]. There's a set of four CDs for $15 + $5 p&p (anywhere) [broken link removed], but I don't know if it's the one you want...(?)
And I don't know anything about the technique (but hey, for $20 I'd nearly give it a try myself..!)
[Edit: looked again... looks like the one you want would be more like [broken link removed] incl. shipping...]
The pimsleur technique is very similiar to the Michel Thomas technique.
The Michel Thomas technique however is cheaper, his courses are for sale at the language shop, just beside pearse st. dart station on westland row.
For what it's worth; I personally found the Michel Thomas system great.
No need for books or pens. He simplifies everything, hence giving you an insight into how the language is structured, and then builds on that foundation.
I think his CD package is about £60 stg from Amazon.
Thanks for all your help. I think I'll check out that language shop on Westland row.
Elderdog I don't think these particular CD's are available from public libraries. Im sure they have some kind of language tapes but I have an image of them being like the old tapes we were forced to listen to back in german class in school. Dreadfull stuff. No harm in having a look in the library though !!