learner permit


Registered User
Hi all.
Son has to reapply for a new learner permit, as the first one he has is almost expired.
But where does he sent the form of to?. No address on form and can find no information on web site. Living in Dublin.
One of us has to apply for renewal of provisional driving licence ( learner permit ) , and we notice that one of the requirements is a medical report ( form D.501 ) completed by medical practisioner .

Can someone tell us if there is a charge for this report by the GP . - or is it free for medical card holder ?
Are you sure you need to get the medical report? This is from the Dublin City Council website.

You only need to complete a Medical Report D501 if:
  • You are over 70 or will be 70 on the day your licence is issued.
  • You answer ‘Yes’ to any of the medical questions on Application Form D201 below.
  • You require a licence for a category of vehicle other than an ordinary car.
To complete the form, make an appointment with a doctor. He/she will complete the form for you.