leaking shower


Registered User
my shower door is leaking in both bottom corners when first fitted too much silicone was put on spilling out both inside and outside on the tiles this is all mouldy now and unsightly the skirting is rotten from water if i take off shower will i be able to seal it properly with out having all this silicone on view
I would recommend stripping it back to the bare material, leave it dry, and have it resealed. These types of shower units are a curse, they should import the ones like USA that are completley sealed units in my opinion !
How do you get into the 'completely sealed' showers? scale over the sides? Seriously, I think I have what you call a 'completely sealed shower' - shower that doesn't need tiling? If have problems with the shower, it's very hard to get access to the pipes and plumbing - and if you're like me, you could have part of your wall behind the pipes gouged out for access...