Leak from upstairs apartment - what to check for


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My upstairs neighbour had a leak from his dishwasher and the water came down through my kitchen ceiling and walls. I noticed it because it tripped the electricity.

Alerted neighbour to problem and he couldnt have been more helpful, located source of leak and my brother in law (a plumber) came over to take a look. Discovered its been leaking for ages, underneath dishwasher was all rusted etc...

Got leak repaired. Waited for my place to dry out. Got electrician to verify sockets would be ok when they dried out.

All dry - small water mark on ceiling, walls look ok - bit grubby looking but ok.

However, insides of presses on wall under leak are destroyed, backing board is warped, stained, growing mold.

Told neighbour, he is getting onto his letting agency to let them know there has been damage. Presumably they will send someone out to have a look.

My question is this - is there anything I should be looking out for that I might have missed?

Im satisified that the ceiling is ok (its concrete between 2 apartments) and that wall is ok - Im unconcerned about paint job because I was planning a full paint job soon anyway.

The insides of the presses did not look so bad on day of leak or day after - they got progressively worse. Is there anything else like that that might happen?

Thank you.
The plaster where the leak was may lift as it dries out or become very crumbly. If damp has gotten behind any wall tiles, they may also be affected by the damaged plaster. What flooring do you have in your kitchen?
Im hoping when whoever comes out to fix the presses removes them from the wall we will know more about the wall tiles - right now they seem ok. But they go right up and meet the bottoms of the cabinets - so itll be easier to know when the cabinets are removed.

We have tiled floor - the water didnt seem to get as far as the bottom of the wall - we stopped the leak and it was as far down as the countertop - then it started drying out - Ive pulled out my own dishwasher and the wall behind it seems ok (directly under the upstairs leak)