Health Insurance Laya total health complete renewal quote


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Hi, I’m looking for an alternative to the above plan. The person in question is 84 years old. There are some cardiac issues, for which he attends the beacon hospital. Other than that semi private public hospital cover is fine. Are there any cheaper alternatives to the current renewal price of over €2200.
Level health Plan C Day to Day is about €700 cheaper.
BUT it has €2k orthapaedic and €400 opthaelmic co-payments.

You should do a thorough comparison below........
That is helpful. Ideally he doesn’t want to change provider. I’m finding it hard to navigate the hia website it’s confusing. Is it possible to get help with this from an advisor ?
Take a look at Simply Connect Plus (€2144) and Simply Connect (€1992). Hospital cover is broadly similar to Total Health Complete. The main difference seems to that the refunds for Everyday expenses (GP, consultant fees, scans etc) are limited to €1000 and €500 respectively.

These are the alternatives that the Laya website suggests. You can compare them yourself here.
Hi, I’m looking for an alternative to the above plan. The person in question is 84 years old. There are some cardiac issues, for which he attends the beacon hospital. Other than that semi private public hospital cover is fine. Are there any cheaper alternatives to the current renewal price of over €2200.

Just looking at the 2 Laya policies suggested by mct1 above, they both show 'Full cover, including Beacon Hospital;' under the heading

Private Hospital Semi-Private Room​

This does not show in the Total Health Complete policy and may be another reason to switch?
Thank you guys. He went with simply connect plus. Might do fee based full review next year. It’s a quite confusing for older persons. Deliberately so I imagine making moving quite a big deal.