Health Insurance Laya Flex 500 Explore renewal - creating new policy online to avail of discount


Registered User
Laya phoned me last week about my upcoming Flex 500 Explore renewal.

The renewal price is €99.35 p/m (€1192.14).

They said I can create a new policy online for the same Flex 500 Explore and avail of a 10% discount. The cost is €87.78 p/m (€1053.36).

So, a saving of about €140. (They said they can't do this over the phone. It has to be a new online application.)

Anything I should be aware of when doing this?

Many thanks.


I went to input details on a new policy form.

The starting price for the Flex 500 Explore is €922.

When I input the start date of July 1, it goes up to €1022.68.

When I then input my birth date, it goes up to €1750.28.

So, unless I'm doing something wrong, it looks like they've got me at €1192.14.


The above is correct, but when you tick the box on the next page asking if you've had continuous cover for the last 8 years, the price reduces again.

So, final price was €1053, a saving of €140 for 30 minutes work. (I had to phone them and cancel the existing policy.)

I've registered online to avail of the discount a few times already - no disadvantage whatever and always save a few hundred each time.
I send an e-mail to Laya to say that I have registered online. I tell them I will not be renewing the old account and give them my new Account Number requesting that all previous data be transferred to the new account. Or you can do this data-transfer on the Members Page yourself - there's a field where you can enter a changed Policy Number.
I have always hoped that if enough people do this then Laya would eventually cease this very unfair practice of giving online discounts to new members - but they're still doing it.
For those who can register online it's OK - BUT there are lots of people, maybe not so technically savvy or maybe wary of interfering with Health Insurance, that miss out on this and pay extra. Not fair.
Thanks so much for pointing this out. I always did it with other insurances but never thought about health insurance I am also with Laya but paying way more than that for myself and my better half so significant saving potential.
I've registered online to avail of the discount a few times already - no disadvantage whatever and always save a few hundred each time.
I send an e-mail to Laya to say that I have registered online. I tell them I will not be renewing the old account and give them my new Account Number requesting that all previous data be transferred to the new account. Or you can do this data-transfer on the Members Page yourself - there's a field where you can enter a changed Policy Number.
I have always hoped that if enough people do this then Laya would eventually cease this very unfair practice of giving online discounts to new members - but they're still doing it.
For those who can register online it's OK - BUT there are lots of people, maybe not so technically savvy or maybe wary of interfering with Health Insurance, that miss out on this and pay extra. Not fair.
Yes, when they phone you about the upcoming renewal, they even tell you about setting up a new account to avail of the 10% discount, adding that they can’t do it for you. You couldn’t make it up.

Are there any issues with pre existing conditions if you take out a new policy?
Not sure what you mean by "pre-existing conditions", but I was told by the phone salesperson that the cover on my new Flex 500 Explore policy would be identical to the old Flex 500 Explore policy.

Just to be clear, when you say register online, what happens if you already are registered. Do you need a new email address ?
Just to be clear, when you say register online, what happens if you already are registered. Do you need a new email address ?
No. Same email address. Then phone Laya and tell them you’ve set up a new account and wish to close the existing account on the last day. The new account must be set up to begin on the same day. You have a 14 day cooling off period for the new account. D.
I've registered online to avail of the discount a few times already - no disadvantage whatever and always save a few hundred each time.
I send an e-mail to Laya to say that I have registered online. I tell them I will not be renewing the old account and give them my new Account Number requesting that all previous data be transferred to the new account. Or you can do this data-transfer on the Members Page yourself - there's a field where you can enter a changed Policy Number.
I have always hoped that if enough people do this then Laya would eventually cease this very unfair practice of giving online discounts to new members - but they're still doing it.
For those who can register online it's OK - BUT there are lots of people, maybe not so technically savvy or maybe wary of interfering with Health Insurance, that miss out on this and pay extra. Not fair.
to change policy number it is just edit option isnt it. only thing I wonder if you woudnt be to complicatedto do it for me as I have 2 policies one for me Control 600 which i want to change to Flex 500 and avail discount and my son is on higher policy as he is availing of day to day expenses constantly. so I guess i would need sign up, then add dependant which would be on same policy abd then ring laya to change my sons plan I guess