Lawn preparation


Registered User
I'm on a roll with the questions today!

I have to put top soil into my garden and have differing views. One guy has said that I need 1-2inches of soil. Another guy has said it should be covered with 4-5 inches and in places where he is removing the current top soil and digging down to "red" soil it should be about 8-9 inches.

Any ideas?

Also, Is there any particular type of lawn seed I should be using? Does the lawn need to be rotivated before seeding or could I just seed after the digger has leveled it?

All comments appreciated
Hi Ned_ie ,

I laid a new lawn last may:
1.Rotovated the lawn finely
2.Raked out all stones and wood and rubbish etc
Did you use a small rotovator or a tractor one. I used the small on beofre on a small lawn but don't fancy walking all over my half acre again and again!
Dont know what happened there , the mouse slipped but :

1.Rotovated the lawn finely
2.Raked out all stones and wood and rubbish etc
3.Put 3 inches of top soil over prepared area
4.Added about 1/4 the same amount of mosspeat
5.raked it all up and mixed it nicely and levelled it
6.Bought TOUGH GRASS (tescos sell it) and smothered the area with it
7.raked it and levelled it again to mix it in
8.watered it every night for 1 week
9.Now proud owner of the greenest/weed free lawn in the estate.....i actually enjoy cutting it now !
Tesco Tough grass will cost you a fortune for a half acre. The more topsoil the better to reduce problems such as waterlogging and/or drought and hense moss problems. You may not feel like walking down the half acre now but it will be worth it in the medium to long term as the soil level settles, on large sites like this it is very difficult to get things level (have done 3 x half acre lawns)
Best seed I have found is No 2 seed from Mackeys [broken link removed], really good quality, dosen't grow too fast, i.e. can easily get away with one mowing per week (very important when you have to mow 1/2 acre). I have found the book The Lawn Expert**by D.G. Hessayon (available from Woodies for about €10) really helpful for advise and pictures of problems and remedies, how much seed to buy, what type, how to spread it etc.
Earwig - thanks for that.

Can I ask, how much did it cost to seed the half acre?

I wonder is there varying sizes of rotovators that one can hire out? Any ideas.
Ned_ie said:
Earwig - thanks for that.

Can I ask, how much did it cost to seed the half acre?

I wonder is there varying sizes of rotovators that one can hire out? Any ideas.

Last seed bought was 5 years ago, so price long forgotten, were more expensive than local garden centre but well worth it, the lawn still looks great 5 years on. Needs autumn and spring weed and feed though but that is just the way things are on the half acre. We got a local farmer in to rotivate ours with his big tractor (my son was thrilled!). I am sure there are littler rotovators you can hire, a few quid to a local farmer could be worth while though, ours was done in 10 mins.
Thanks Earwig, Sueellen

I spoke to a local farmer so he is going to come up and have a look to see if he can do it. THere are a few spots he won't be able to get to but I can do those myself.

THe topsoil wnet inyesterday (a few days before even i expected it to go in) so spent last night cleaning the road after the machine and tractors. Thank GOD it didn't rain during the day or it would have been in a complete state!
Ned_ie said:
I'm on a roll with the questions today!

I have to put top soil into my garden and have differing views. One guy has said that I need 1-2inches of soil. Another guy has said it should be covered with 4-5 inches and in places where he is removing the current top soil and digging down to "red" soil it should be about 8-9 inches.

Any ideas?

Also, Is there any particular type of lawn seed I should be using? Does the lawn need to be rotivated before seeding or could I just seed after the digger has leveled it?

All comments appreciated
lawn prices should only be priced only per metre squared rate to seed should be 5 euro per metre squared and turf 10 euro - this ais only a guide rule and WILL vary and may or may not include VAT. check out [broken link removed] and send a few mails there. let me know how you get on.