Lawless Ireland TV3


Registered User
I just watched the first part of the first episode of this shambles.

Think ultra low-rent version of the British terrestrial / satellite reality street-crime shows and you get an idea of the tabloidesque nature of the programme.

Part two of the first episode promises to broadcast down-loads of free camera-phone footage from the internet, really high class television production.

Utter rubbish about a serious and growing social problem.
Saw about half of it....blocky, blurry YouTube videos broadcast on TV in a sensationalist 'breaking news' kinda way. Utter tripe !
I watched part of it but the poor quality mobile footage they kept showing really put me off.
I think SEI pay TV3 to put on tripe nightly from 9 so we're encouraged to go to bed early and get the leckie and heating off. In our home that killing hour is known as "Fat Teens Who Hunt The Fattest 100 Stone Tallest Woman...In The World" now we've to fit 'Lawless Ireland' into the mix.
Just the dumbing down of TV in general.

This started in the UK about 5 years ago, now its coming here.

First RTE had to put flashy graphics on their news, and have newsreaders standing about instead of sitting down.

Now programmes about yobs fighting when drunk - yeah like the Irish haven't been doing this for decades at the weekends anyway:rolleyes:.

Gotta scare the people a bit more.
Switched off half way through - it does no good I think so show this type of stuff. I was trying to figure out the point of it as such.
Had recorded it, looking at the posts think I can zap the yellow button on my Sky+ & save another 3% memory :)
Yep- all it was really is an episode of search for 'drunken larger louts kicking the crap out of each other' on YouTube rebranded as 'Lawless Ireland'