Law student wanting to specialize in tax law- to do the cta or not to do the cta?


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am a third law student and aspiring solicitor. I am currently considering specializing corporate law, specifically tax law. I was treasurer of the law society at my university and have been re-elected for my final year. I really enjoy working with numbers despite being a law student.

Upon graduating, I plan on sitting my fe-1s whilst possibly working as a legal executive at a smaller firm. My initial plan was to then seek out a training contract at a larger firm after completing my fe-1s. However, upon stalking a myriad of tax partners working at larger firms, I found almost all of them are qualified chartered tax advisors (as would be necessary). Most of these partners had qualified as a solicitor before doing the cta and subsequently getting to partner level.

My questions are as follows:

-Is it recommendable to do the cta if I would like to specialize in tax law?
-If so, should I do it after my fe-1s, before seeking out a training contract, or after qualifying as a solicitor?

Also, if anyone has done the cta, I would appreciate any general comments on your experience (how long it took, cost, difficulty etc.) Thank you.
One of my friends did it after qualifying as a solicitor. Another, who works with the big 4, went straight into PwC from law and did it. Either way works.