law advice in regard to a builder


Registered User
a relative of mine got an extension put on to house between june to present. the job has gone away over time. should have been finsihed end of august. it is now at footpath/snag stage. it seems extremely hard to get builder to come back to finish. about 7% of money is left to finish job

they made major mistake at start by having no contract but have fairly open quote with some items verbally agreed.

their is a handy bit of work in paths/snags to be done. the builder might never come back

how would you get the builder back. my idea is to snag the place, registered letter to him giving him 30 days to complete otherwise another contractor will be got and 7% money be given to new contractor and any shorefall the builder would be liable for in order to fix his bad work in places.

does above make any sense legally. can the above be done. what would court view on it be.

the builder initally time the job to be done end of august, still going on xmas week, only back 1 day since xmas. he seems to promise the world and deliver nothing.