Laundry Service open during c19


Registered User
I did a clear out and want to send stuff to charity and as a result need to find a laundry service which is open during Covid19.

They are allowed open but a lot seem to be closed.

Looking in the Limerick city area.
Thanks but I have a washing machine and dryer which is indoors.

What I'm looking for is the traditional type one. The one where you leave a bag on the counter and collect it from the same counter.
Most launderettes in dublin are open so I imagine the same for your local ones

While I want the convenience of using a traditional laundry, Dublin is bit too far away. Also I don't think its an essential journey, despite me having a HSE badge.

I have yet to find one in Limerick city, so i decided I'd see if anyone from Limerick could assist.

No luck so far.
So I must explain further.

I am an essential worker but not in the hero category. I worked Good Friday and Easter Monday and was on call Saturday and Sunday by phone.

While I was on call I did a long overdue clear out which resulted in 3 bags of old sheets and clothes which I intend to send to the charity bins.

I didnt want to spend last weekend washing, drying, folding clothes I no longer use. Also I had to provide care to my elderly mother which among other tasks entailed doing her laundry which I washed and dried all by myself.

Laundries are on the list of essential services but my intention was to drop the laundry (on the counter) on my way to work, so as not to make an unnecessary journey. It also means I'm spending money in the economy.

It's not in the general scheme of things urgent. I can leave them in the bags until such time that laundry reopen.

It just would have been nice to finish the clear out.

Still no luck on whether anyone knows if there is a laundry open in Limerick city. Ah well.
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Ah right @becky , understand now.
But why wash them before putting them in the charity/recycling bins ?
I understand they are from a clear-out, so not just been used, and all garments collected from said bins are washed before distribution anyway.
Ah right @becky , understand now.
But why wash them before putting them in the charity/recycling bins ?
I understand they are from a clear-out, so not just been used, and all garments collected from said bins are washed before distribution anyway.

Oh! I always thought you were suppose to put cleaned garnets in those bins.

Thanks to all of you that have replied. I'm enjoying the distraction from u know what.

My favourite so far is, all you have to do is open and close a machine door.

I'm wondering if you are actually my brother.

If you are are, then Hi and stay safe.
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