Latest Petrol Prices


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Does anyone know what best deals for petrol prices on Northside of Dublin are. I tried but that seems to be nearly a month old. are good if you want to get a charge card.
One garage to keep away from is Statoil on Ushers Quey. €1.59 for diesel
Yup you read right €1.59 rip off in the biggest order..
Whether its displayed on not 50c over the odds is still a rip off.
BTW its only displayed on one side of the sign.
Then you should complain. To Statoil.

If fuel costs are an issue, you might consider getting a [broken link removed], which gives you either a set price (currently 106.87c/litre for diesel) or what's displayed on the pump, whichever is the cheaper.
I will be on to Statoil once the bill arrives. thanks for the info, ill look into that.
just to cheer everyone up the price of diesel on fuerteventura last week was 64c a litre and petrol was a mind blowing 81c.
Statoil say that this garage is not owned by them & basically they have no control over the prices they charge.
Statoil (in Ireland) were bought out by Topaz as far as I know-so while Statoil may still supply the fuel, Topaz decide the pricing.