Latest Dublin Bus Strike?


Registered User
Am I wrong that this is the old overtime issue again? If so, am I missing something here or has the union gone completely potty? Way I understand the situation is:

1. Unions across Europe lobby very strong and hard for Organisation of Working Time Legislation.

2. It comes in.

3. Needs a few changes and includes occupational driving

4. Dublin Bus have no option but to implement current restriction on hours because it is legislation.

5. Unions are to strike because they want Dublin Bus to break current legislation in order to protect overtime because some drivers arranged mortgages based on their overtime pay rather than basic.

I've no doubt I've over simplified things there, but how can you arrange a strike on the basis that you oppose your employer complying with industrial legislation?
I stand to be corrected, but as I understand it after the latest talks in the Labour Court the union agreed to all the newly negotiated changes except the overtime reduction. While a portion of that is to do with cutting costs, some is still a hang over of having to operate to working time legislation.