Late late toy show

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Is it just me, or was the late late toy show the biggest pile of s***e to be seen on rte this year??The only good part was Dustin, and they cut him off with an ad break..could it be that Plank feels threatened by a puppet?? I say we bring back Gaybo and Frank McNamara just for the toy show..daithi
Totally agree. Toys were crap........all there was was yokes making funny noises slithering around under pat kenny's feet!
No high tech apart from a homeless robot!
Books I feel are so important for kids and they hardly got a mention.
Needless to say I didn't watch this RTE rubbish - I believe that as each year goes by the programme gets worse. I don't think it is anything to do with my getting older at the same time and getting more crustier.
As regards bringing back Gaybo - please don't let him loose with that water gun, he was really vicious and annoyed at least one lady I know who was at a show by spoiling her makeup and dress.
Pity about her.

Pat should have had the guts to axe the toy show as it was inextricably linked with Gay. But the ratings monster beckoned. Personally I enjoy watching him making an ass of himself especially on this one show of the year.
I sat through about 45 mins of this tripe ... and recorded it for the kids ... decided not to make them watch it ... it was so bad. The camera person was awful ... how hard is it to point a camera at the toy instead of PK? I thought the kids were cheeky little brats ... but what do you expect when you have kids up at 10 at night ... the toy show should get the chop.
Henny Penny said:
I thought the kids were cheeky little brats ... but what do you expect when you have kids up at 10 at night ...

Did anyone else think that the kids were actually scripted, rather than being cheeky? I thought they were coming out with stuff that for "off the cuff" comments, you wouldn't normally expect to hear kids saying.

Henny Penny said:
the toy show should get the chop.

Is the Toy Show not a money spinner for RTE? Surely they get advertising money or sponsorship for displaying toys which will then generate interest and sales for the responsible shops and importers.

The robotic raptor that was on the show for example. I'd never seen this before, anywhere. Yet Saturday morning there were boxes and boxes of the things to be seen in Tesco in ClareHall. That kind of advertising and demand stimulation can't be being provided by RTE for free.
The only way to watch it is to record it and fast forward through all the irritating little billie barry type brats that somehow believe people enjoy listening to them.

As for Gay Byrne - hope I never see him on tv again. As bad as pat may be, at least he's not a patronising old fart!
I thought the camera angles on the show were awful. They were zooming in when they should have been zooming out and vice versa. I found the show frustrating to watch!
Agree with all the above. Only watched a bit of it and that was because i wanted to see the acts- but thought they were pretty awfull. I remember them being much better but maybe thats because i was a child. Used to go round for days after singing and dancing wishing i lived in Dublin so i could join the Billy Barry kids.
Thrifty said:
Used to go round for days after singing and dancing wishing i lived in Dublin so i could join the Billy Barry kids.
Unanswered prayers and all was a lucky escape! Billy Barry; for me it’s synonymous with loud precocious little brats, the sort of children you hope are bullied…
I thought the toy show was pretty good but the camera people were absolutely atrocious. They were constantly zooming in and out at the wrong times as mentioned above. It was reminiscent of a drunk uncle "having a go" at the camcorder on a family occasion.
To my young child's eyes they had it made - what in life could possibly top being a Billy Barry kid on the late late Toy show. yes i do now realise i'm probably just as well off with the modest chorus numbers i got in the school plays - at least i never got big headed or thought i was going to be a star. i just plodded along in my own little way - they didn't like ambition in my day.. ah..... thats the trouble with todays kids - they don't have the humility the nuns drummed into me..
Cahir said:
As for Gay Byrne - hope I never see him on tv again. As bad as pat may be, at least he's not a patronising old fart!

Agree to a point, however I thought the recent doucumentary about Gaybo, whilst not revealing anything new about the man (ever the professional) did perhaps point to how foolish he had been- he gave up the best part of his life for a lousy national broadcaster and doesn't have a whole lot to show for it at the end of it? I thought he was quite pathetic really and his story was tinged with regret, what might have been etc. In contrast I think Terry Wogan was much more clever, he appears to have made his career choices based on his needs and not those imposed by his employers. Sorry for 'jackin' the thread!
it is the most watched show in Ireland every year, try get into the xmas spirit happy xmas
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