Late Late last night


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First Shane McGowan looked like the living dead poor soul great singer songwriter,
But there was a priest on who was shot 3 times in South Africa and lived.
he was telling his story, but a few things he said where odd I thought, First he said he would have hated to die that way but would rathar be 95 on his sick bed with the grandchildren standing around the bed. Second He was guinea pig for an anti HIV drug. When he went to the doctor to see if the drug was doing what it was meant to do which it was, he said to the doctor does that mean I can have sex without condoms. This was funny I thought coming from a priest, now in saying that I did think he was quite refreshing for a priest though.
. When he went to the doctor to see if the drug was doing what it was meant to do which it was, he said to the doctor does that mean I can have sex without condoms

as a local councillor once said when asking a question he knew the answer to 'its not for me, its for public consumption '
I'm a cynic and a closet atheist (and probably a bad speller as well) but that priest on the Late Late would make me seriously think about going back to the Catholic Church. I really liked his description of the This post will be deleted if not edited immediately he wanted to hang out with was the guy who realised that the party had run out of booze and made some more; and not just a couple of bottles but a couple of gallons. To me he seems to be the antithesis of the majority of priests that I have come across in modern Ireland - interesting, engaging, realistic and yet able to relate Catholicism to a modern life. He also seemed to be very brave going back to the township after being assaulted so badly!
I toltally agree with you, but I dont believe in such places as heaven,to me heaven is where your are happy