late late Friday 5th Feb on the economy: Harris, Dunphy, Waters etc



John Waters seems very weak.No idea why he's up there.

Eoghan harris seems to be completely won over by one speech by cowen. He seems to compeltely forgets cowens actions as minister for finance for 4 yaers. He seems to judge a person by their promises ratherthan their past actions. Easily won over in my book.

Dunphy in fairness - while a little overly emotional and definitely does play to teh gallery - does speak the most sense though in fairness.
Re: Tonights late late

Dunphy's mission tonight was to stir up anger & bring down the government. Harris was drawing to many bad 'comparisons' of the current situation to the like of how we survived the vikings.
John Waters.... no contribution altogether.

The Plank trying to compare high salaries of those in the establishment to .... Ronaldo - what a twat.

Futile discussion
Re: Tonights late late

The Plank trying to compare high salaries of those in the establishment to .... Ronaldo - what a twat.

Not a great comment by kenny as it wasn't comparing like with like as dunphy said.

But in fairness to the guy he knows his stuff better trhan most on these matters.

Probably a bit unfair to judge him over that one comment.

But again - john waters is way out of his depth when they have these 3 guys on together. He never says anything constructiove.
Re: Tonights late late

The Plank trying to compare high salaries of those in the establishment to .... Ronaldo - what a twat

Protectionism on Pat Kenny’s part. Pat Kenny earns nearly a million a year, and had to submit to media outcry and offer to take a 10% salary cut. Brian Cowen earns €314,000, a year, Dunphy is outraged, this is a fraction of what Pat Kenny earns, therefore the comment.
Re: Tonights late late

Actually ya - forgot about that whole angle.
Although if i was him i probably would have kept my mouth shut to detract attention from that whole episode
Re: Tonights late late

Actually -since cowen has obviously been advised against a 'state of teh union' speech would it not be an idea if he did a late late interview?

Actuially - the more i think about it i reckon it's quiite appropriate at this point.
Re: Tonights late late

Nah - the plank would make a total mess of it....think about it...

- "and how did you feel when the latest unemployment figures were released?"
- " .... and how do you feel about Neary not doing his job"

Its pointless getting Cowen doing a state of the nation address - all he will do is commission Obama's speech writter for the weekend to come up with a great speech.

If Cowen is going to do a state of the nation, then he should only do it if he is going to outline a set of actions & stick by them........
- send in the CAB to Anglo
- cut the FAS bosses golden handshake - he screwed the system he deserves to be fired.
- stop the pay rises & corporate box sponsership from the BOI & AIB bailout money from the taxpayer - ref this mornings [broken link removed] article
- serious management of government spending
- government pay cuts
- zero use of the government jet -only for emergencies
- keep the pack at home Patricks day instead of going on junkets.
Re: Tonights late late

Eamo was a second rate fotballer but is a first rate rabblerouser. He was only short of calling for public hangings. Eamo and Hookey are trying to copy Fox News by being against everything. But what solutions has the learned Eamo. Bringing in the CAB, even capping CEO salaries wont contribute much to the fact that it is the Government who is overspending and will have to spend more now that unemployment is rising. Even Eamo (on €300,000) knows that if you earn €300,000 but are spending €500,000, it cannot go on for long.
I am no supporter of FF, who probably more than any group are responsible for the current mess (e.g. property tax incentives- Sect 23& 27, seaside holiday home tax incentives, all of which only exaccerbated the property bubble and delivered the tax incentive into the hands of builders) but we (not I) elected them. We wanted the mirage to be real. Getting rid of them now is just letting FF off the hook. FF mainly caused the problem, so let them take the responsibility for solving it.
Re: Tonights late late

With respect, what I find bizarre is that anyone would watch the Late Late and expect anything other than generally poorly selected, badly interviewed guests combined with occasional Liveline-style moments of minor controversy.
Re: Tonights late late

Actually ya - forgot about that whole angle.
Although if i was him i probably would have kept my mouth shut to detract attention from that whole episode
Dunphy said something about Cowen baing paid more than Obama while he's paid more than both of them himself! And Kenny is paid more than the three of them put together!!
Re: Tonights late late

Dunphy's mission tonight was to stir up anger & bring down the government
Do we really want a general election. 3 months of TDs doing nothing except trying to hold on to their jobs?
I thought Harris was a disgrace. Unbelieveably pro-FF. Very patronising too. "We survived the vikings, the famine etc...we'll survive this.."

Not sure about Dunphy angle or display.

Waters is just so boring...
Bringing in the CAB, even capping CEO salaries wont contribute much to the fact that it is the Government who is overspending and will have to spend more now that unemployment is rising.

True, but that's not the reason why he is calling for the CAB.

If certain bankers get stripped of all their assets and sent to jail for a long time, then future bankers will think twice about doing anything wrong. If they get away with it now, then people will do the same in the future. Its all about making sure that we are never in a mess like this again.
I thought Harris was a disgrace. Unbelieveably pro-FF. Very patronising too. "We survived the vikings, the famine etc...we'll survive this.."

Not sure about Dunphy angle or display.

Waters is just so boring...

I have no time for Harris. In my opinion he has zero credibility. Its possible that his pre-election performance was the difference in the election, so it's partially his fault that we have an ineffective government.
Why do people watch this shambolic potpourri? Some will believe anything that is put on such an 'esteemed' show. Harris cannot be taken seriously after his slavish backing of Bertie .......... but he got his reward for that. So to him it was a career move. Why a person of so little backbone craves respectability is beyond me. Dunphy added 'slobbering' to the much quoted 'tired and emotional' cliche. John Waters was badly cast for this one. On the Dunphy subject ....... is it not illegal to be drunk at work ......... health and safety etc? Or mine host in the hospitality room serving someone who is already three sheets in the wind? Did his tear ducts have an allergic reaction while he was powdering his nose? One way or the other, this miscreant should not be given the time of day. Other than in the back pages of a conspiraory magazine.
I have often been amazed how often TV and Radio Shows here bring in Columnists such as these guys to discuss serious issues almost as though their fame brings kudos to the discussion. Especially as the role of the Columnist in a Newspaper is to hold and expound on extreme viewpoints on a variety of issues, which do not always either contain much fact or a lot of sense.

Are you saying Dunphy was drunk and on drugs?
I've read (and reread) my post and for the life of me can't see that I did. Perhaps you've had a more than agreeable lunch.
Re: Tonights late late

Dunphy said something about Cowen baing paid more than Obama while he's paid more than both of them himself! And Kenny is paid more than the three of them put together!!

This little banana republic is funny if it were not so sad. Cowen reminds me of Mugabe.