Personal details
Your age: 39
Your spouse's age: 39
Number and age of children: 4, 7, 10
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income : 74k (private sector)
Annual gross income of spouse/partner: 68k (public sector)
Monthly take-home pay: 8100
In general are you:
Saving 1150 pcm
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 540000
Mortgage on family home: 208000
Cash: 25,000 savings account earning practically no interest
20,000 saved for children in Credit union
Family home mortgage information
Lender: Avant
Interest rate: 1.95%
Type of interest rate: Fixed
Remaining term: 3 years
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
No other loans/borrowings
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Pension information
Private pension for myself started this year only, ER contributing €650 per month, with a top up of €350 by me
Spouse civil service pension, post 2013 scheme. 7 years contributing so far. Started paying €100 per month to AVC this year also
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
We are good at saving but feel we are over saving and not being financially savvy. We can't decide whether to focus on paying off the mortgage faster and upping our pension contributions or look to invest in more high risk areas. We had a consultation with a financial planner who advised us to invest in medium risk funds, she suggested keeping emergency funds of approx. €20k and using the rest of our savings to kick off our investments with the aim of investing over €1,000 per month and to take a long term view on it. This just feels like a huge amount per month to be 'risking' when we could pay off our mortgage quicker if we used it.
I am risk averse so would prefer to increase pension contributions or pay a lump sum off the mortgage and look at less risky deposit accounts. Although our low interest rate on the mortgage probably means it doesn't make sense to pay it off.
We live near good transport links for colleges so hope this will minimise college costs.
Life policies are in place and both have death in service with our employers. No critical illness cover is in place.
Any advice is much appreciated.
Your age: 39
Your spouse's age: 39
Number and age of children: 4, 7, 10
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income : 74k (private sector)
Annual gross income of spouse/partner: 68k (public sector)
Monthly take-home pay: 8100
In general are you:
Saving 1150 pcm
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 540000
Mortgage on family home: 208000
Cash: 25,000 savings account earning practically no interest
20,000 saved for children in Credit union
Family home mortgage information
Lender: Avant
Interest rate: 1.95%
Type of interest rate: Fixed
Remaining term: 3 years
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
No other loans/borrowings
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Pension information
Private pension for myself started this year only, ER contributing €650 per month, with a top up of €350 by me
Spouse civil service pension, post 2013 scheme. 7 years contributing so far. Started paying €100 per month to AVC this year also
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
We are good at saving but feel we are over saving and not being financially savvy. We can't decide whether to focus on paying off the mortgage faster and upping our pension contributions or look to invest in more high risk areas. We had a consultation with a financial planner who advised us to invest in medium risk funds, she suggested keeping emergency funds of approx. €20k and using the rest of our savings to kick off our investments with the aim of investing over €1,000 per month and to take a long term view on it. This just feels like a huge amount per month to be 'risking' when we could pay off our mortgage quicker if we used it.
I am risk averse so would prefer to increase pension contributions or pay a lump sum off the mortgage and look at less risky deposit accounts. Although our low interest rate on the mortgage probably means it doesn't make sense to pay it off.
We live near good transport links for colleges so hope this will minimise college costs.
Life policies are in place and both have death in service with our employers. No critical illness cover is in place.
Any advice is much appreciated.