Latchkey Children...


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Hi all,
I was having a discussion with a friend recently about the acceptable age to leave children to mind themselves after school/in the evening when parents go out, I was of the opinion that around twelve would be quite fine, but she insisted that a child should not be left alone until the age of sixteen.

What would you think?
Depends on the kid.

Mention of the phrase 'latchkey' reminds me. When I was about 8 my mother returned to paid employment. For about 2 hours each schoolday afternoon I was home alone.

But that was a long time ago ..
I sued to mind my brother aged 3 and my sister aged 5 when I was 9.
Collected one from school and the other from my mother who brought him to work with her for an hour and then walked home and minded them until 6.00 so about three hours alone.
There is absolutely no way in this world I would feel confident leaving a 9 year old alone with small children now.
TBH times have changed too much.
I would feel ok with leaving a 14 year old alone but not for very long.
Anything younger is too young in my opinion.
Perhaps the child could cope with the ordinary routine but what if a weirdo called, or she/he hurt themselves or there was a fire etc how would they cope then.
Also I would be worried about friends calling in on an empty house and what they could get up to.
Depends on how mature the children are. I was left looking after my siblings (2 brothers and 2 sisters) whilst Mother and Father went out for a few hours on a saturday night. I was around 13 (siblings would have been 11,10, 8 ,4).
Accidents happen when adults are around too.

I was reading a book which was factual based set at turn of century and a couple left a newborn child alone while going out to do a bit of shopping and going for a tipple. Different world these days!
redbhoy said:
I was around 13 (siblings would have been 11,10, 8 ,4).
Accidents happen when adults are around too.
I presume you're referring to the 4 year old! :D
I was reading a book which was factual based set at turn of century and a couple left a newborn child alone while going out to do a bit of shopping and going for a tipple. Different world these days!
Indeed. My father and father in law both started working full time c. 14 years old. And to think that people complain about children being rushed into adulthood prematurely these days!
I find the phrase 'latchkey children' quite unpleasant....if your query is in regard to how old a child can be left alone (from a legal perspective), the answer is that there is no legal minimum in this country. However if a child was harmed/injured while left alone parents could find themselves having to answer a charge of wilful neglect.

It is however illegal for a child under the age of 16 to have the care of a minor who is not a sibling; not that it seems to bother many parents who happily have the local 15 yr old to babysit.
I was babysitting for the neighbours three chilren from the time I was 12. Three girls - about 6, 5 and 2.
I think once you're in a tight knit community/housing estate there wouldnt be a problem with children minding children. If anything was to happen all the babysitter need do is run next door to Mrs. Jones and get help off her. Unfortunately people dont bother to get to know their neighbours these days to try re-kindle the old community spirit!
Kildrought said:
I find the phrase 'latchkey children' quite unpleasant...
When I was a school-child in new york, some kids in the class were referred to as "latch-key kids" - it was not a compliment.
my niece found it part of being seen as responsibe person when she was left for the hour between school and mother arriving home from school at 11. She could and still does reel off all the "rules" though and there are groundings for breaking them. It depends on the child and also if they are scared of being on their own i don't think it is fair.