Last will and testament?


Registered User

This might seem like an obvious question however it is not a situation I have found myself in to date.

A family member died many years ago and we believe they left a will. However until his spouse passed away no action was to be taken.

My question is really where is the first point of call for discovering if someone actually had a will? Is there a register one can look up or would you need to get a solicitor to look things up,

Thanks in advance
"My question is really where is the first point of call for discovering if someone actually had a will? Is there a register one can look up or would you need to get a solicitor to look things up,"

A. The Deceased's personal papers.
B. The Deceased's spouses personal papers.
C. If that fails, contact last known solicitor they may have had dealings with.

There is no register. It is up to individuals to keep the original or copy will safe and in a prominent position where it can be found. People often make a will and leave the original with a solicitor. But the solicitor will not necessarily know when they die.

Thanks for the response. I believe there was a will with the solicitor however so much time has passed that the solicitor has also passed away and their practice closed. So I was hoping there may have been a registry or something where wills are recorded.

The probate office? AFAIK if the will went to probate it can be viewed in the probate office. Someone more enlightened than me on these matters may be able to advise further.

as far as I know, when a practice closes, the files are dealt with by the law society or some other local soliciotor. They cannot simply be left lie in the closed office.

whatever solicitor took over the files, may have the will.

Is the spouse still alive?