Last bowl of cornflakes


Registered User
Been waiting for about a week now to get to the last bowl of conflakes, by far the best one
All those small broken pieces ready to soak up the milk and turn into a messy mash

Got the bowl from the cupboard (as opposed to the dishwasher where they normally are), things looking good

Found a spoon in the drawer, result

Poured the golden flakes and topped off with just the right amount of sugar, all set

Just to add the milk and leave to settle for about 10 minutes

Went to the fridge, plently of milk (starting to think it really is Father's day after all)

Poured the milk into the bowl and it came out like yogurt, B@57@RD

Looke like it's a fry on a Sunday morning after all

I'll have to wait for another few weeks to get the next last bowl
I hate when that happens, you tip the carton a bit more than should be
necessary but before you can correct a few clumps fall out. That stuff
sure does smell.

Yogurt on cereal is nice but only when intentionally added to the mix.

You probably don't want a solution proposed to you but what
the heck. Buy a fresh box of Corn Flakes and then go over the bag
a few times with a rolling pin.
I HATE the last bit of the bag of cornflakes and never eat it. Sometimes use them in cookery but have been known to throw then out! Only like the whole cornflake without any mushy bits. I thought everyone hated the last bowl but of course this just proves how diverse our tastebuds are !!!!
As it happens I too used to love the dregs of the bag but I don't really eat cornflakes these days.
Yep, love the last bowl too- but no sugar- yeuch! And rolling the cornflakes is not the same thing at all- though it is still better than a normal bowl.

Funny that other people hate it. Reminds me of coffee creams ( used to be in Roses)- I loved them, they were my favourite- but loads of people used to hate them...
I used to take sugar on cornflakes as a kid - but then again I used to think that Sugar Puffs tasted nice too - but soon grew out of both.
I think cornflakes are disgusting - tastes like eating soggy cardboard (at least what I'd imagine soggy cardboard to taste like!).
Add cold milk and eat them quickly and they stay mostly crisp. My wife loves warm milk on them which just makes them into a mush! Again I probably though that this was lovely when I was a kid.
Speaking of sugar, need sugar in my tea/coffee, I did try to stay off the stuff for about 6 months, but never really enjoyed my tea without it. Anyway it's just one spoonful!
Making me think about other foods now.........

I wonder who first looked at a kiwi and thought it wasn't poison. Brown and hairy on the outside and toxic green on the inside.
The bit about genital mutilation in that article is even more frightening!/QUOTE]

I never knew Mr Kellog was a SDA,

At least I had chicken sausages, that might stop him from rolling in his grave
ClubMan said:
The bit about genital mutilation in that article is even more frightening!

huh, where that mentioned?

in fairness, for a monday morning, that was a good remembering from the old brain to think of where they came from

A bowl of cornflakes for me tonight!
You've all missed the one very important point in this thread - the gap in the market for a line of 'end of bag' cornflakes .

I'm just off to post in Ask about Business ..............

P.S. I wonder does Stuart feel embarrassed now that he's sober
sueellen said:
You've all missed the one very important point in this thread - the gap in the market for a line of 'end of bag' cornflakes .

Reminds me of when I was in school and had a penchant for finely crushed potato crisps such that I open the bag slightly to prevent bursting and then sit on it during class before eating them at breaktime. I'm sure that I'm not the only one? If I am I'm going to be very embarrassed! Perhaps there's an option for something similar with bags of cornflakes?