'laser' distance measuring devices


Registered User
Does anyone know of any 'laser' (or non-tape) based measuring devices for measuring distances up to about 50 meters, and where to get them ? I bought a 50m tape recently but discovered exactly how unusable it was in public - different in a building site or other non-public area but you can't go about laying out 50m of tape on the footpath and across roads.

I reckon they must be out there somewhere - a little handheld device you point at a wall and it tells you the distance. I have seen some which have distances of 5-10m, but I am looking to measure external distances which could be quite larger than that.


I was able to find one on the radionics.ie website. The link is below if it works.
It's a bit pricey at €436. This looks a bit sophisticated. I'd be surprised if there isn't a more basic one which just estimates length and isn't so expensive.
There's tons of them on amazon at a fraction of the price(in US). Perhaps if you search some of the manufacture's websites you might be able to locate an Irish distributor?

Hi zag,

I have one of those laser measuring devices which I bought in Aldi some time ago. I've checked the instructions with it and note that it only measures up to 15 metres (49.2 feet). It is also a little erratic (must be the female version of the machine).

If it is of any use you are welcome to borrow it.

Obviously you could measure up to 50m in steps of 15m or whatever such devices are limited to.
Check out HiteTechniques website (check the Golden Pages for their contact details etc) they are Dublin/ Kildare based and do a full range of surveying equipment. We bought a total station off them last year. Once you decide what you want you can price it online elsewhere and see what the best deal is around. Any of the suppliers of Surveyors equipment will stock a basic no frills EDM (electronic distance measuring device)- which is what you're looking for.
ClubMan said:
Obviously you could measure up to 50m in steps of 15m or whatever such devices are limited to.

You're going to introduce a very high margin of error though if you're measuring an open space and you're trying to use a reference point every metres
All, thanks for the responses. I will check out the links. Does anyone know how well they measure (if at all) if you are at an angle to the wall ? I understand that they work by measuring the strength of the signal returned off the wall, but if you are at an angle will the signal not bounce off in a different direction ?

legend99 said:
You're going to introduce a very high margin of error though if you're measuring an open space and you're trying to use a reference point every metres
Not if the reference point is fixed and clearly identifiable (e.g. somebody holding a stick or something like that)?
Clubman - thanks for the suggestion, but the application is for measuring the distance to particular points on external walls, where the walls could be several floors high. I think I will settle for some of the longer distance models identified so far. Some of them indicate that they cover distances up to 75m.

Thanks again to everyone else for suggestions, and to sueellen for the loaner offer.

ClubMan said:
Not if the reference point is fixed and clearly identifiable (e.g. somebody holding a stick or something like that)?

Somebody holding a stick is definately going to introduce a margin of error. You would also have to manage to get the laser to hit the stick. Secondly, you are going to introduce error as you almost certainly would not manage to measure 4X15m in this way in a straight line. Each 15m measure is almost certainly not going to be 180 degrees (i.e. continuing in a dead stright line) from the last 15m so error will come from that.
legend99 - thanks and agreed. I will definitely be going for a one person solution involving a single measurement.

legend99 said:
Somebody holding a stick is definately going to introduce a margin of error. You would also have to manage to get the laser to hit the stick. Secondly, you are going to introduce error as you almost certainly would not manage to measure 4X15m in this way in a straight line. Each 15m measure is almost certainly not going to be 180 degrees (i.e. continuing in a dead stright line) from the last 15m so error will come from that.
Getting the angles right (90 deg at each corner) is always going to be a problem in any case surely? Or do these devices assist in that respect?
ClubMan said:
Getting the angles right (90 deg at each corner) is always going to be a problem in any case surely? Or do these devices assist in that respect?

I'm confused...i was answering the question in terms of measuring one straight line distance of 50m+....

And sure in fairness, do it the old fashioned way..use an 12 inch ruler!
legend99 - don't worry, my questions have been answered at this stage.

One thing still: A laser should not be used in public for safety reasons,it can destroy the sight even when the eye is exposed only for a short moment. The stronger the laser the worse. Read the safety data sheet/manual that comes with it.
Injury might occure/become obvious years after exposure. So you could be hold responsible/libeled for an injury that can't be documented.The legal situation could be similar as to a radiation exposure.
Appreciate the advice heinie - I would check the saftey documentation as a matter of course.

And buy the relevant warning signs to hang them up when working on a site. A yellow triangle with the "laser beam", anybody working on a site with a safety certificate would know what that means.