Laser Diffusers


Registered User
Has anyone ever bought a laser diffuser or anything along the lines of one?

I've heard there not actually illegal in the country but using them to avoid a speeding a fine is. Does anyone know the position with regard to this? I assume if someone was caught with one you could be done for perverting the course of justice or something along the lines of that......?

Now I know people should not speed etc, etc... But let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. I don't know of anyone who has never been 1-2 kms over the speed limit. I don't appreciate any ridiculous posts regarding point etc..

All I want to know is, do laser diffusers work?
... I assume if someone was caught with one you could be done for perverting the course of justice or something along the lines of that......?...
Possibly obstruction. I can't say I've heard any comments regarding their effectiveness.

Any links for sellers or recommendations? (Please don't say flea-bay)

[broken link removed]

Speed Camera defense are based in NI

I think it is illegal to use this type of detection unit.

Which is strange as Sony's NAV U has a list of speed cameras in it's map system.

And the Sony Nav U is sold nationwide.
I think it is illegal to use this type of detection unit.

It's illegal to use anything that disrupts the detection equipment, it's also obvious to manned traps when someone is using this equipment.

Which is strange as Sony's NAV U has a list of speed cameras in it's map system.

This information is in the public domain, so there's nothing illegal about it. Indeed, the Gardai themselves published the majority of these locations on their website yesterday.
I don't know of anyone who has been 'done' for being 1 or 2 km over the speed limit either.

On the contrary there are many being incorrectly summonsed as the handheld devices are being mis-used by the Gardai because they are notoriously unreliable. the Gardai use the same kit in the report in the link.

HAve a read of this item

He then pans the speed camera down the side of a stationary car and clocks it doing 4mph.
"This is of course very relevant. If a policeman is pointing at a vehicle going by and he moves it across [the vehicle] then he will get an increased, or indeed a decreased, speed reading."
Dr Clark says that all laser speed guns suffers from the same problem so we thought we would give it a go on a wall with one of the latest guns used by the police: an LTI 20.20.
[broken link removed]We clocked a stationary wall at 58mph - now that's motoring
By aiming at the wall and pulling the trigger whilst panning with the device we managed to get a reading of 58mph from the stationary wall - enough to get three points and a fine in urban areas."
OK, but all this does not mean that anyone is regularly (or even ever) stopped/accused/summonsed etc for being just 1 or 2 km over the speed limit does it?
i dont think they really care how much you are over.....over the limit is over the limit in their book.
Rubbish. Many drivers don't even know exactly what speed they are driving at anyway as there can be a tolerance of +/- a few % on the speedo reading.

I would love to see one single case where someone was stopped for driving at e.g. 81.5 kph in an 80 kph zone.
Well I wouldn't really love to see a case like that! The poor person that gets caught for that is very unlucky!!

They allow a 5% allowance over the speed limits, this is to allow for spedo problems etc..