Laser card transaction that I didnt make.



I logged on this morning to check my 24 hour banking. Everything was normal expect for one transaction.

There was a laser card transaction from a certain supermarket. I have not been in this shop in months- I recently moved house and no longer live in the area. So it is impossible that I made a recent transaction there.

The amount wasnt massive but still significant. Any idea whats going on here? Any chance its an old transaction that has been delayed! I'm slightly freaked out here!
More than likely it is a delayed transaction - especially as you used to shop there. Contact the store and if it's one of the big ones and you have a store loyalty card, they will probably have details of the purchases paid for with the transaction.
OP. why don't you try to "marry" the transaction in your online banking with a hard-copy receipt. If you can't, challenge it with your bank.