Laser Card Fraud - Help!


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Recently, to our shock, after finding out that our current account balance with AIB was unusually very low we studied our online statements and found a very suspicious trail of point of sale transactions with a Centra store using my wifes Laser card.

These many transactions were going back quite a while and knowing that we mainly only use two local Centra stores (which their store names correctly come up on the statement) we wanted to urgently know where this store was as the debit entry on our statement just showed the name as: POS Centra (giving no name or location). I must point out at this stage that there were many of these transactions going back over a year! And there were often 3 or 4 a day ranging from small amounts to daily amounts totaling 160 euro and more.

I must at this stage also categorically point out that my wife NEVER gives her laser card to absolutely anyone and also no-one other than herself knows her PIN. Her card is also with her always and we would never spend these ridiculous amounts in a Centra store.
We suddenly suspected card fraud/skimming and painfully set about and examined, and highlighted all these dodgy looking Centra transactions on copies of our bank statements over many hours into the night and then arranged to meet our local AIB who turned out to be very helpful and supportive and agreed that these debits were very suspicious and our case was sent to AIB head office fraud section for investigation, we also signed all the standard forms for Gardai investigation etc and our cards were immediately cancelled and were assured that everything would be alright and were offered an overdraft in the short term which we respectfully declined.

After waiting over a very stressful week to hear the outcome of this we were informed that the PIN and chip card used was my wife’s and it looked like they were saying that it was her that did all these transactions herself when in fact even some of the dodgy transactions were made when she was in the USA on holiday and she had her laser card with her, and used it. Also the Bank said we may have to approach the Gardai ourselves.

Our local Bank as a duty of care are again studying our case and are still supportive and are trying to pinpoint the exact times and dates specifically that the Centra transactions took place especially the ones that my wife was out of the country at the time and where she can prove that it couldn’t have been her card that was used here. We are currently waiting for the outcome of this. The one thing that is very annoying in all of this is that the AIB will not tell us the name of the Centra store where these suspicious transactions took place (quoting data protection act), even that its our money and account that was debited and we know that that they are not the mainly two Centra stores that we actually use!

Has anyone ever experienced anything remotely like this before?? We are in a total dilemma and are shocked as someone out there has spent literally thousands of our hard earned cash. We don’t know where to go from here and are left very confused. Just to reiterate absolutely no-one in our family or otherwise knows my wifes PIN or uses any of our cards. It was curious to note that there were no suspicious ATM withdrawals at all as usually is done with skimmed cards but I was told that a more profitable way to use copied cards by criminals are in smaller more unnoticeable amounts over a longer period in stores etc. often with cashback.

I will update this case as it happens, many thanks in advance.
Thank you for your reply. I understand you may be confused as to why this was not noticed earlier by us but when periodically checking our online statements in the past we would see these POS transactions for a Centra and just accepted that they were OK but honestly never really thought anything was wrong untill we saw the amount debited over a long period (16 months) and saw that it was crazy! As to the amount - I would say at this stage somewhere around 4-5000 Euro.
Hi, My first point of call if you are ABSOLUTELY sure neither you or your wife made these would be to the Garda to make a formal complaint, Nearly all these stores have great CCTV systems which are pointing directly at the tills, should be simple to match dates and times with transactions, Other than that keep a better eye on your account transactions.
Possibly, but generally POS is point of sale and ATM generally shows up as such, least on my account anyway

Yes, they are all point of sale counter transactions. Some amounts were small ie: 5.34euro and some large up to 150 euro.