Laptop screen distortion


Registered User
Our laptop seems to have developed a problem. The content on the screen seems to be a little stretched horizontally, i.e. a circular shape is now slightly oval,- like an egg lying on its side. Yet straight horizontal and vertical lines are not distorted. Type seems heavier with a fuzzy look. Any ideas or do I need an eye check?

Have you loaded on any new software lately ??
What make is the laptop?
The brand is Asus A6000 (just a year old).Dont think there has been any recent downloads.How can I know? All the family use it.
Are you sure that somebody didn't change the screen settings (resolution etc.) such that it is no longer in it's native mode? Or maybe downloaded different drivers or something? Windows System Restore might tell you about any recent changes (Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore).
Every time you download or install a new game, application, or software update, you make changes to your computer. Sometimes that change may make your system unstable. Have you ever wanted to go back to the way it was? With System Restore, you can.

It may be just your settings.
Check those first.

Before you do anything,,,,, I do not accept any responsibility.
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Sorry! Did what you both advised and it worked.Thank you again.Still not sure what caused but all's well that ends well!
You mean that somebody had changed the system/display settings or you rolled back to a previous System Restore checkpoint? If you did the latter then be careful that you did not undo other important things like Windows Updates etc.
Many widescreen laptops sometimes switch to a 4:3 resolution after using certain applications, causing the horizontal stretch you referred to.
I reset computer (systems restore)for 2 days earlier and it solved the problem. Lots of use family so i'm not sure who or what happened to cause problem. I'm not too computer literate so i have appreciated all advise.
That was a bit drastic but I suppose no harm if you weren't sure what had gone on since you last used the machine. Best to start with Control Panel>Display and take it from there.