Laptop recommendations


Registered User

following excellent recommendations from AAM, I recently purchased a digital camera.
I now want to buy a laptop, in order to store all my photos, so I'm looking for recommendations.

I'm looking for a laptop which has a normal sized keyboard, a big screen and which isn't too heavy.
I'd use it for storing all my music in itunes, and my photos, and storing documents, surfing the web etc.
In work I have an IBM T60 which seems ok, and my sister has a Sony Vaio which she likes. Does anyone have any opinion on these or any other make/model?
I dont really have a budget, since I dont know how much they cost - maybe up to 1000E.

get a dell. would pick up a good one for a grand. also think of getting an external hard disk to back up important pics.
also think of getting an external hard disk to back up important pics.

I would do this first - I got a 500GB hard-drive from . The delivery is really quick and I think it was about €130 all in - you just plug it into the laptop/pc. I'm not too sure but from what I've noticed new laptops seem to only hold 120GB - if there are any with more space than this would be interested to know.
