Laptop problem...power source?


Registered User
Hi Guys...can you please help!!? I am in an area where I don't speak the language properly and it will be very difficult to even find a decent repair shop. I am using an Acer 7540.

It seems to be a problem with the power supply. When I plug in the laptop, the charging light flashes on once for a second and then nothing. The battery is dead so there's no power. I don't know if it's the power cord or the baterry or worse, but am I right in thinking that if the power light flashes on - even for only a second - that the power cord is functioning ok and the problem isn't the power source? The wee light on the power cord box comes on for a second and then goes when I plug it in.

I have tried wiggling around with the joints e.g. where the cord meets the plug, where the cord meets the laptop and nothing.

I checked the power jack on the laptop and the pin is still inside.

I can't find any answers on this or other forums! Please help!!
I had exactly the same problem...I was convinced it was the laptop itself.However after taking it to repair shop...turned out to be a faulty cable.Try changing the cable first.

Thanks guys.

Tried removing battery and starting the machine up...but no luck. Nothing happening.

.....and as for a new cable, I wouldn't even know where to start looking for one here. Can't order online as anything I buy online takes 2months to get here!

Any other sugestions guys???


can you try borrow a cable from someone...just to try it. Where are you thats so remote...can you just take your old cable into a shop...any shop...even if you don't speak the language, someone will surely be able to help you get the same one again...
follow up.....

Ok thanks. I have been trying online to find info and the issue of the motherboard has come up before.

If it is the motherboard can you tell me what needs to be done? I thinking ive to do a bit of re soldering of the connection points?

Thanks for all your help guys,

Depends on what the problem is. If it was me, I'd take it to a professional but I've never done any soldering, although I am fairly techie.
I think you might be better finding exact info from people who do soldering repairs. Not something I would touch either. You could try any other supplies if anyone else has a laptop near you. You might find one thats a match, might eliminate that as a problem. But it sounds like a board problem to me too. Sometimes you find repair guides on youtube. But if you don't know what you are doing you could kill the motherboard.
Light on the Ac adaptor goes on and then off when plugged into the laptop, definitely problem with the charger. Universal chArger will sort out
I had similar problem- i'd say its def the power connection to the motherboard---my laptop was on the way out so i didn't mind hitting it a belt on the back of the laptop,, it worked for a month until i replaced it