Laptop internet access



Hello all,
Does anyone have any ideas of the best way to connect to internet using a mobile phone? I need access for short periods when travelling, can it be done on a prepaid mobile? What is the fastest way to connect to the mobile phone, wire, IR, bluetooth?

If youre sitting at the desk and your laptop has an IR port then use the IR. I get a pretty miserable 9-10kb/sec from my nokia 6310i so dont use it unless stuck as its slooowwwwww, but it depends on the phone, a colleague has a hgher grade nokia and gets 28-29kb/sec from the IR.
My phone also has bluetooth which I could use but I dont see the point in shelling out for a bluetooth dongle (love that word) if Im only getting those speeds.
Id be interested to see if anyone else has used the 6310i and got better speeds then 9-10 kb/sec?
Thanks Car,
That is the same phone as i have, i dont mind it being a bit slow, sounds pitifully slow though. Not sure if the laptop has IR, its new so i imagine it has. Didnt realise you needed a dongle for bluetooth.
Cheers, Roy
Depends on your mobile provider.

O2 only have max data speeds of 9.6k

Vodafone use HSDC which gives up to 28k (9.6k *3), by using three channels.

If your with Vodafone you can get 20k-28k with a good signal. If not check your modem settings. Also note that the data cable if far more reliable than IR and is available free from the Vodafone data team.
Laptop access

Cheers Lemurz,
Will check vodafone out at the weekend.
Vodafone use HSDC which gives up to 28k (9.6k *3), by using three channels.

I have used Vodafone's HSCSD [broken link removed] on a mobile and can certainly recommend it over the O2 service. In theory, it goes up to 38.4K but I used to get low twenties.

Note that, as I recall, O2 in fact supports a boosted speed of (I think) 14.4 - they used to call it High Speed until other higher speed offerings such as HSCSD came along.

I would also echo Lemurz's view that IR is a pain for more than the occasional browsing - get a cable or use a Bluetooth connection if you can.
Got a bluetooth USB yokey in O2 at the weekend. Havent had a chance to try it yet. If i got an internet enabled phone would i be able to access all websites or only ones that have been set up especially for mobiles. Can AAM be accessed from phone for example?