Laptop/Broadband advice please

Registered User
I'm looking to buy a laptop and I've been looking around both shops and on the net... but it's like buying tiles for the house... everything looks the same!! first off I don't really need a super powerful LT as all I do currently is send emails/browse the net and print off some photos etc. but I do think with the added mobility of a new LT I will utilise it a lot on... I have narrowed it down to 2;

  1. HP G60-110sa - price E475
  2. Acer 7540 - price E529
Both from PC World and both come with E170 off if I sign-up to Eircom B/B

At the moment I'm with ntl (B/B ultra in a bunble) and find it very good so i don't really want to start messing around with the B/B but 170 is 170!!

can anyone tell me if...
1. these are good/reliable laptops and;
2. should I stay with ntl or jump ship to eircom (ntl ultra and eircom are both the same price pm... I'm almost sure)

thanks in advance..
What is the spec of those laptops.

Have you done the maths of the cost of the laptop with and without the deal.

Usually the product can be got cheaper without the deal.
if you sign up you have to switch to eircom for a slower service for more money.

You will be paying line rental to eircom 25 a month.

170 saving will be gone to eircom in no time.

Unless you are do a massive amount of downloading drop ntl service to 3MB I think you will save about 20 a month with no real appreciable difference to the BB speed.

I dropped from Ultra to 10 MB when they did the upgrades in the speeds.
the HP has 4 GB memory and 320GB HD 15'6 screen and webcam, wireless enabled and has a powerful intel dual-core processor... cost 475 before deal and 305 after
the Acer has 17'3 screen 320GB HD, has a powerful ADM athlon dual-core processor and 3GB memory and webcam cost 529 before deal and 359 after