lap top 2 years old is really slow yet fast bb



any ideas fols - my lap top is really slow yet two years ago it was a very powerful machine and ive really fast broadband - it takes an age to start up .... its a hp pavillion series ..........
Try defragmenting the hard disk.
Also check with spybot or any other spyware detection programme to see if you have any spyware installed.
Finally check it for viruses using a virus scanner such as AVG

I had that problem with a dell Laptop about the same age.

It originally had xp SP1, I upgraded to SP2 and a shed load of patches and fixes had been applied over time. This together with some spy ware conspired to slow the box down.

I eventually wiped the drive and re-installed with the latest Win XP SP2, put office and anti-virus on fresh. Working great now.

Its a nuisance to have to do this but its well worth it.
What make and model is the llaptop? Defragging the hard disk or even reinstalling from scratch if possible (after saving any essential user files) might be an idea. While PCs hardware doesn't slow down with age they do tend to accumulate all sorts of crap that hog resources, disks get fragmented and new versions of applications and operating systems contain more and more features (bloatware) that require more resources too.
If its slow starting up, surely you must have a lot of programs loading up at start up and these are probably hogging the memory with disk swopping. Have a look at tasks running and see whats going on.( Ctrl, Alt Del and Task manager). Maybe you have a virus thats stealing all your processor cycles? Try removing some of your start up programs to start.
Following on from the previous post [broken link removed] might be useful for checking what stuff is getting loaded at startup by default. However only disable or remove stuff if you know what you're doing.