Lanzarote ..insect problems


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Early last Nov while in Lanzorate my wife suffered a lot from inssect bites despite applying all the usual stuff. Is there a particular time of the year when the insects are more active or what is regarded as the best preventive measure. Dont say stay indoors as it was in bed when most of the attacks occured.
We were in Lanzarote last November and had no problems with insect bites, as it was in bed when you were bitten, could it have been beg bugs?
Certainly sounds like bed bugs were a possible culprit. In which case I hope you didn't bring any home, they can hitch a ride on clothes! And if it was bed bugs then time of year isn't the problem. The bites tend to follow a pattern, a line of three bites.
Mosquitoes just love me (OH never has a problem) and I've had many clashes with them. Unfortunately I have many allergies and cannot use many of the usual potions and lotions.

My local pharmacist recommends vitamin B12 before going on hols and it appears to work or perhaps I've just been lucky recently.
I know two people who swear by Avon Skin So Soft " "soft & fresh" dry oil to keep mosquitoes and midges at bay.
You don't necessarily have to apply the repellent to yourself, there are repellents you can carry or apply to clothing (e.g. fabric with citronella oil on it) which may help, at least, reduce your attractiveness! Other than that, no beer and wash frequently - especially the feet :)