Landscape Gardeners


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What is it with landscape gardeners ?

We have phoned around for someone to clear an area of our garden and put up fencing/trellis and plants and a path etc. Also to build up a wall and extend it.

Despite promises for people to come around only one bothered his 4rse to come around and do an estimate. Quote came in for around 2,300. He did a fairly elaborate plan and diagram of what he proposes and seemed really professional and excited at the prospect.

Mrs Tubbs convinced (!) me to agree to get the work done. But try as we might to get him to come around and start teh work ! He is always unavailable or not answering our calls. He is totally avoiding us. If he has chnaged his mind why not let us know ?

So we have decided to phone around more landscape gardeners (from golden pages) who say they will come around but then just dont turn up or even phone !!

We are willing to throw 2.5k at these people and they do not seem interested ! It really must be the line of work to be in right now !!

Anyone know of any decent, reliable landscape gardeners in the Kilkenny region who dont think 2,500 euro worth of work is too small ?
Perhaps, you should split the jobs up seperately, I', also doing this at the moment, but opted for as much diy as possible.

Fence - I recently got a 4 bar wooden fence and rail supplied and fitted for 14 euro a metre

Trelis - I done this myself, By a cordless screw driver, a bag of screw. get a load of 2X1 (or smaller) lengths of timber from a saw mill and make it yourself, its idiot proof (i.e. I could do it)

Garden - This is the tricky part. If you are not in a position to do it yourself, check out your local trader/local paper and there should be loads of dudes listed.
Consider doing it youself - Lanscaping is a personal choice and something you will probaly build on over the years to add your own mark. Our neighbour got a professional landscaper in last year and had the garden done inside a week, but in my opionion is looks staged and like the grounds of a hotel.

Yeah, I kept the two main jobs separated at first .
"Can you organise this part of the garden........oh by the way do you build walls.."

But this one fella agreed to sort it all. And then he has disappeared off the face of the Earth!

I would do most of it myself (usually) but the work is a sort of compensation from a utilities company (long story).

These gardener types cant be short of work if they are turning down this. Maybe I should change careers !
Hello Tubbs,
Saw your post and got in touch with a landscaper I know in Naas to see if he'd be interested, which he was. He's landscaped the garden of a friend of mine and she was very happy with the outcome.

If you'd like to contact him. his name and contact details are:

James Haughey.
Phone number is 086 1967623.
Email is

I asked him if Kilkenny would be a problem and he said no.
oh well, looks like my husbands firm wont go wrong then, we were looking into relocating to Ireland, as work in Spain is not so plentiful, was very good in the UK which he did for over 30 yrs, he has a website and plenty of photos of his work, when we get there to Ireland, later this year, we will be looking towards advertising, any tips would be very helpful.

I would like to see the link to his website....we are finding it almost impossible to locate someone to plan and design a garden for us.
We got one caontact here and he is meeting with us. But even trying to locate these people in the first place is murder.
We have a huge site and some big hard landscaping projects but we ned someone to actually design the work and layout does such a person exist....we are in Cork.
My boyfriend is a painter in business with a landscaper. He takes care of the painting side, and the other guy does the landscaping. They do big projects between them, hotels and groups of holiday homes mainly. They are passing through Cork this Wednesday quoting a job near Clonakilty if that's any good to you. They do a lot of work in Cork. Let me know if you want their details.