Landlord's right to enter house whilst the tenants are not there?


Registered User
I just wonder what right I have to go in to my house whilst the tenants are not there. My tenants are late paying their rent. I have called 3 times to the house and tried to contact them by phone to no avail. To be honest I think they may have left but without entering the house I can not confirm. According to their lease I can enter the house as long as I notify them but how do I notify them if I can't contact them. Any advice would be great.
Re: Landlords right to enter house

If you text or phone tenents from mobile you have a record on your phone and your bill, also log the dates and times you called to the premesis. Surely at this stage its even your duty to enter the premesis to ensure they are not unwell or worse. Then take it from there.
Re: Landlords right to enter house

I wouldn't go as far to say its my duty tbh but want to make sure I am within my rights to enter the property.
Re: Landlords right to enter house

Did you make an arrangement to call & collect at a particular time when you leased to them ? If so, I reckon that is forward notice and you could probably enter. But to be sure you could drop a note to them or a text saying you will call & enter (if they aren't there at the time)to collect the rent.
If and when you do get them, make very clear arrangements to collect the rent or have it paid by DD.
Re: Landlords right to enter house whilst the tenants are not there?

It is paid by Standing Order - I called again today and have left a note in the letter box and have sent a text to say I will be calling and going in to the house on Monday at a specified time and if the tenant would like to meet me there to discuss the rent.