landlord says I have to pay building insurance


Registered User
Hi All

Just wondering if someone could help me out please. I lease a building from my landlord, I pay my rent, but I do not pay management fees, the reason I don't pay them is because I do not receive anything for the fees, eg. parking, painting of building, refuse collected.

I look after all of that myself, the previous tenants fell out with the management company.

My query is this, my landlord is telling me that I must pay the buildings insurance for the premises that I am leasing from him. From what I understand, he should pay this, I have everything else covered, as in contents, machinery.

Hope someone can help me, as he is saying that I can pay it and maybe I won't have a rent review.


Most commercial leases are on an FRI basis.

FRI - Full repairing and insuring

This means that the obligation is on the tenant to keep the property in a good state of repair, and insured.

You should check the terms of your lease.
From what I understand, he should pay this, I have everything else covered, as in contents, machinery.
What does the lease say? What has your accountant/solicitor advised?

Post crossed with mo3art's.
Hi All

Sorry about this, saw that someone else had the same question as me back in June of this year, took the advice from that thread.

Many thanks
