Landlord advice concerning tenant removal of furniture (and impact on deposit during existing lease)


Registered User
I'll keep this brief.
A couple of years ago, i noticed that tenents had put patterned stickers up over the white tiles in the kitchen. They were adamant that this was an improvement.
I had an informal chat and advised them that a) they should not have done they without my permission and b) they would need to remove the stickers upon their leaving.
Talking to them in passing last weekend they mentioned in passing that the "got rid" of a double bed and mattress, but "don't worry, we'll replace it" when we leave.

I'm very concerned that at this point the value of the security deposit is effectively zero and that they've a clear disregard to my property and continue to act without consulting me.

Advice welcome.
Can I consider eviction for this? (should I or is that an over reaction given the current market)
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Very much doubt you will be successful.

Did you do a full inventory & get them to sign it?

Are they otherwise good tenants in regard to rent payments & general upkeep?
They signed an inventory.
I've had to chase a couple of times for rent.
General upkeep (aside from the above) is not great.
So no, they aren't great.
Yeah I hear you.
My plan is to have a meeting and set out again that they can't be making decisions like what with consulting and can't do things like that without my permission.
I'll advise of my disappointment.
I'll set out what I want to improve.

And I'll follow that up with a written letter.

I guess there's not much else I can do.

Can i/should I seek compensation for the bed at this point in order to retain the deposit value? Or do I need to write it off and suck up their promise to replace when they move out?
Do you have photo's of the apartment the day they signed the lease? with out photos you can be taken advantage of, ideally the photos should be date stamped, showing every square foot of the apartment and copies emailed to the tenant asking them to review and accept -- belt and braces stuff.

If they got rid of the bed does that mean the number of bed spaces has changed? I don't think thats allowed but google it to be sure
This is why LLs sometimes use low quality furniture and fittings. Because if its damaged or stolen you'll be unlikely to recover the cost.

What is the bed worth? Realistically.
This is why LLs sometimes use low quality furniture and fittings. Because if its damaged or stolen you'll be unlikely to recover the cost.

What is the bed worth? Realistically.
Frame was between 6 and 800 new. Mattress about 300.
Frame was a few year old.
Mattress was brand new (replaced at their request).
Think of being a land lord as being a business. If you worry too much about little things it will effect your health.
I've been a landlord for about 15years now. I struggle to see the removing of large pieces of furniture as a 'little thing'.

If you care to consider the above a significant/large fixed asset that has been destroyed. How does this help?

Help me understand your carefree perspective!
Tenants are there a few years. So all these items are a few years old presumably. So you have to set aside the cost of this bed against income earned over those few years.

You have no realistic way of recovering money from a tenant due to our legal and rental system. I assume you've sent a letter with costs incurred so far and you've done a follow up inspection..
I've been a landlord for about 15years now. I struggle to see the removing of large pieces of furniture as a 'little thing'.
House going on fire, 200k of damage.
Apartment being used as brothel, resulting in hassle, complaints, Garda, phone calls in the night and finally having to totally redecorate then they leave.
House going on fire, 200k of damage.
Apartment being used as brothel, resulting in hassle, complaints, Garda, phone calls in the night and finally having to totally redecorate then they leave.
I'm not sure how that helps, but thanks.
Do I understand correctly that your tenants threw out (or sold) a €1,000 bed, mattress new, frame a few years old?

This is completely unacceptable. You should write to them demanding the return of the items or payment of the value. You should still have the receipts, (if you don't many furniture shops can reprint them from your phone number).

I wouldn't be talking about eviction or deposit at this stage, just where is my bed and if its gone you must pay for it.

I have learned to my cost that you must stand up to a bully firmly (not over the top just firmly) and early.

I would certainly be thinking about eviction. You need to get shot of these people.
Do I understand correctly that your tenants threw out (or sold) a €1,000 bed, mattress new, frame a few years old?
Yup, that's exactly right.
Thanks for the opinion.
I suspect this isn't grounds for eviction at this point but I'm concerned it'll escalate. There appears to be a distinct lack of respect in this partnership.
He means it's not a significant sum in the bigger picture.

If you've never had bad tenants you might not agree. But those who have will have a more philosophical viewpoint..
No I get that; I get it could be a lot worse.

Indeed, that's exactly why I'm asking for advice - I don't want it to get any worse (I understand that it can) .

I'm asking for help now because I don't want to be asking for help after it burns down or is turned into a brothel as per that example.

Simply put, I'm borderline re finances and living month to month currently. I can't afford to replace a bed and mattress.

With no disrespect - I fail to see how knowing things could be a lot worse helps me in this situation other then to act as a warning and prompt to action this now. (or unless the advice is to let it slide?)
I stopped reading after the first line when you said "they put stickers up over the white tiles in the kitchen". If this upsets you, you have no business being a landlord.
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Because it stops you getting stressed about it. Glass half full etc. Because you might approach the issue differently.

Other than a stern talking to. There is nothing you can do. You don't want to talk about the deposit as the vague hope of getting that back is the only think moderating their actions. If they know there is nothing you can do then they won't care either way.

At certain point they may incur enough costs that will warrant eviction. You could start that now. I think your not happy with the tenant anyway. But are you prepared to go through with it.
I stopped reading after the first line when you said "they put stickers up over the white tiles in the kitchen". If this unsets you, you have no business being a landlord.

There's a first time for everything....