landlady for upkeep of garden



renting a house for a number of years , uptill now landlady looked after the maintenance of the garden ( grass cutting), now says it is up to us. Is this the case,? is she not obliged for upkeep of garden or to provide lawnmower and shed for tenants to do it. Dont have a problem if she provides us with lawnmower and shed but think alot of extra expense as tenants to pay for upkeep, also impossible to get someone to cut grass. Any advice welcome
It all depends what's stated in your lease. It could be part of it that you have to keep the garden in a certain condition. It would be unreasonable for the landlord to state this and then not provide the equipment to do so but I don't think they have to by law. It all depends on the Landlord I'm afraid.
Your landlady is responsible for property maintenance which includes the garden - in my view. Friends of mine who rent out houses to tenants expect to have to mow the lawn themselves or pay someone to do the gardening. What's she going to ask you to do next - fix the plumbing?

If she'd provided the shed and the mower and asked you nicely you might have agreed to get the mower out now and then to keep the peace, but she's gone about this the wrong way. You have rights as a tenant so she can't throw you out for not doing the gardening.

I'd have a word with the Citizen's Advice Bureau and get chapter and verse on this.
It seems strange that after a couple of years the subject of grass cutting should only be raised now. Do you think the landlady would like vacant possession of the property and is using this to provoke the issue ? You could suggest a compromise with a reduction in rent in liu of upkeep of the garden.