Land Registry and requirements for maps


Registered User
I hope I have posted this in the correct forum

Im hoping some legal eagles read this and can give me some advice. I have 3 questions relating to housing estates

1. When a housing estate is built/complted how long is it before the developers/council etc have to submit a map to the Land Registry with the area outlined??
2. If that submitted map is incorrect (say an access to another estate is not included on the map but was created by the council) what rights does a person living on the esatate have if they wish to have the access closed?
3. How can a person get to see this map?


1. It depends on the individual. Some people will have their land registry map marked before the building commences, some won't do it until all sites are marked out on ground, some won't do it until they are under pressure from the first house completed and sold who want to register their title.
2. The land registry map is only created to show the various sites in transfer and easements to be registered. So if a new access is opened which does not affect the easements to the people in the estate then the land registry map may never be changed.
3. All purchasers will, eventually, get a copy of the map, or at least their solicitor will. Once the first transfer is registered anyone can get a copy of the map by applying to the land registry and paying a small fee.