Does anybody have any experence of the Land Planning Investment Group in London who encourage you to invest in land prior to planning with the promise of a 450% profit over 4 to 5 years?
Does anybody have any experence of the Land Planning Investment Group in London who encourage you to invest in land prior to planning with the promise of a 450% profit over 4 to 5 years?
no it is not.they said it was only a likely return.the sales person made a great case for investing.i have no intension of investing my hard earned ssia money.i would be intrested in other experences with this "long established company".
you have saved for 5 years to get you lump sum together fromthe ssia. i would put pleanty of time into making any further investment decisions. if this is your first idea of what to do with your long awaited money i would spend at least a further 5 years research into it!! read up about ULH or any other similar land scams.