Land Legal Issues


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I am looking to get land into my name. I am at the stage where the land commission check anyone else that may have legal right to the land. 1 person put in an objection to the land commision. The land commision replied to this person saying asking them to state their reasons for their objection and had 28 days to respond. I have spoken to this person and they have not replied and are withdrawing their objection. I have since spoken to the land commision and they are looking for a letter from this person again saying that they are no longer objecting, even tough the 28 days have passed. This person is now humming and hawing about writing this letter. is there any way of progressing this with the land commission without this letter?
Some more details might help - what is the actual nature of the application, and are you sure it's the Land Commission - they've been wound up and subsumed into the Department of Agriculture.
It must be a First Registration or a s.49. Nothing you can do to force this person to withdraw. You could make it easy for them and have your solicitor draft the letter and give it to them ready to sign with a stamped addressed envelope. You'd be surprised how sometimes people just won't write out of laziness or fear they will get it wrong. But if they just own't do the letter then you must look at alternatives. Instead you can do a sworn affadavit to the land registry setting out what you have just said- that you spoke to this person and they stated they wanted to withdraw but that when you asked them to sign a letter they demurred. Send it to the land registry, they will probably serve a copy on this person asking them to reply. When they don't after a period of time you can ask the land registry to proceed.