Land issues


Registered User
Please bear with me here,any advice much appreciated. my fathers land is worth alot of money, he says its sorted between me and my brother(we both have families) but he is not telling how its sorted, is it sighed willed or what, my brothers son is taking it for granted that some fields are his now, i hate bringing up this conversaton with my father as he says its sorted, surely if it was sighed i would know about it as my signature would be needed.

At this stage, i need to call a family meeting and bring everything out to the open, find out whats what as i am feeling left out here, should we have land valued before division, should i take my fathers word (my brother cannot be trusted as he always looked after number one ) or insist we sort this out for once and for all.

Before this is done, should we do a valuation. I know these are basic questions, this land caused alot of hassle with the older generations in the olden days which is why i hate bringing it up with my father, but i feel i have to now. as i said, i dont know whats going on and my brother and his kids seem to know whats what

is it sighed willed
What does this mean?
my brothers son is taking it for granted that some fields are his now
Is it not clear who is the current beneficial owner of the land? Is your father not the beneficial owner?

Maybe you should just ask your father (again) to clarify the status of the land and perhaps his plans for it (e.g. after his death). Maybe he has other plans for it than what you think?
as i am feeling left out here
Unless you are a dependent then I think that your father can do what he likes with the land - i.e. you are not necessarily entitled to anything.
Well it all depends on how your father intends transferring the property. From my reading of the above I would interpret it as though your father intends to dispose of the land in his will? If this is the case then your signature would not be required. Presumably he would have got his solicitor to draft his will? It is entirely up to your father how he wants to dispose of his property. Although in my expereince it is better to have these matters clarifed while all the parties are alive if at all possible.
"At this stage, i need to call a family meeting and bring everything out to the open, find out whats what as i am feeling left out here"

I disagree - though of course all families are different. If you want to know what has been done, ask your father in a quiet way. If he won't give you a straight answer to a straight question, then you can probably assume that he has not treated you as you expected to be treated. At least you will know.
I agree with the above post, ask your father on the QT. When you say 'my brothers son is taking it for granted that some fields are his now' does that mean that he is using the farming? Unless he knows what land is being given to them, unlike you, I'd talk to a solicitor. They could be taking the 'best land', and could lay claimb to it when the time comes, or even build on it. May be you could prevent them from using the land, until ye know what belongs to whom.