Lame Excuses by Bord Gais for Delays in Switching


Registered User
The success of Bord Gais' switching campaign has caught everyone - including themselves - by surprise. BG have 100,000 applicants but they have a way to go to get all these customers set up on their system.

Many of these customers applied weeks ago but still have not been transferred across from the ESB. That has nothing to do with the ESB - they onus is on the new supplier to make the change.

My friends in the ESB tell me that they are getting calls from such customers on a daily basis having been told by BG (or, more precisely, their outsourced call centre Conduit) that the delay is on the ESB side. Some callers have been told that ESB is deliberately delaying the process in a fit of pique over losing customers! (ESB has no problem with losing customers - they recognise it as a regulatory reality in the interests of reducing their dominance in the retail market).

Thousands of customers who provided their own meter readings to BG back in February are now getting closing accounts from the ESB based on estimates. The reason for this is that BG could not process the applications in time and have had to switch the customers from a later date and estimated reading if no official reading has been obtained in the meantime. And who are BG/Conduit blaming? Correct - ESB!

Other people who changed address in the last while decided to apply to BG as their new supplier. That is their right and there are market mechanisms agreed by all suppliers for taking on such customers. In BG/Conduit's case however such customers are being told to apply to ESB Customer Supply first and then apply to them after a few weeks. That is like telling a customer who walks into your shop to buy something that you are too busy and to go across the road to your competitor.

Some such customers have had their supply disconnected as it is normal policy to withdraw power if a customer hasn't registered with a supplier within a few weeks. These customers were/are caught in a backlog of applications. What is BG/Conduit's response? You guessed it - blame the ESB. ESB disconnected the supply to punish the customer. They are being told to sign up first with ESB Customer Supply who will arrange reconnection and then come back to BG when it's done! (Again, there is an agreed market mechanism for the new supplier to arrange reconnection in such cases).

It represents an appalling lack of knowledge by BG/Conduit of how such transactions should be handled. If they are so abysmally ignorant of basic market procedures how will they be able to handle ongoing customer billing queries in due course? They'll probably tell customers to phone the ESB for advice.


Re: Lame Escuses by Bord Gais for Delays in Switching

I had a bad experience with BG as well.I liked the customer service more in airtricity that's why I am with them now. I had no response for my e-mails from BG. I have no connections to airtricity.
Re: Lame Escuses by Bord Gais for Delays in Switching

Fnergg, you have been asked repeatedly to confirm whether or not you have a connection to the ESB - many of your posts have been strongly pro-ESB on this site.

In relation to your post, are you suggesting in these tough economic times that people should stay with the ESB just because a small percentage of switches have gone wrong?
Re: Lame Escuses by Bord Gais for Delays in Switching

Fnergg, you have been asked repeatedly to confirm whether or not you have a connection to the ESB - many of your posts have been strongly pro-ESB on this site.

IIRC he has answered this before, stating that he has no connection.

Edit: Here
Re: Lame Escuses by Bord Gais for Delays in Switching

Its a very pro ESB rant surely.

I think for the saving one gets in switching its definitely worth the hassle.

If I could get a 13% cut in all my service providers costs I would be happy!
For a disinterested observer of the Irish electricity market, he certainly spends enough time commenting on it. Especially in defence of the ESB!

EDIT: By the way my switch went fine
pro ESB or not it's true that Bord Gais have been slow, although i appreciate there have been a huge number of applicants changing to them for electricity. I rang in February, gave my meter reading and was under the impression (based on the info on their site) that i would be a bord gais electricity customer from this reading. I rang yesterday and was told because of the amount of customers switching etc i wouldn't start with them til June, not a happy bunny!
Thanks Fnergg for pointing these things out as regards switching to BG.

Think I'll wait and see how things work out with BG and see if they can clear the backlog.

Isn't the BG offer of 10% less than the ESB in Year 1 effective (for 12 months) from the date you sign up with BG? So nothing to lose by waiting.

Also excellent Youtube video on reading the meter Fnergg.
ESB were due to take their money from me on Tuesday. Instead, they decided to just take it today, early, instead!

This happen to anyone else? Luckily I had enough to cover the amount, but how many more can say the same?
I have received my final esb bill and a letter from esb networks telling me I have changed provider I switched on the morning the big switch was announced and submitted a meter reading at the time of the switch
Can you cancel your switch to BG at this stage due to the delays?

I would be wanting to go to airtricity instead now.
I would be wanting to go to airtricity instead now.

Switched to Airtricity myself 2 weeks ago today. I have heard nothing since except the acknowledgement email advising my switch will be processed. So I think both Airtricity and BGE are finding it hard to deal with all the applications to date...
I believe you can switch them freely, so I guess if you did switch to BG, you would be more than within your rights to move to Airtricity. Might be a pain though, since the first bills haven't come out yet.