Ladies - Colposcopy anyone?


Registered User
Any of you ladies had a colposcopy? Lads - don't even ask! Going to a 'Professor' this evening and feeling quite squeamish about it. Anyone give me comfort??
I think there was a thread on this before. Don't worry about it. Its very common, not at all painful, but a little uncomfortable.
My advice,would be that before any procedure you should know as much as possible about it(ie what to expect,possible complications,post treatment etc) & either the GP or gynaecologist should fill you in on this.It's quite a minor procedure,but you should make yourself aware about it.There can also be slight bleeding afterwards.
Audrey, have had one. It wasn't fun but nothing to worry about. I found the waiting for results afterward (2.5 months) more frustrating.

As for the bleeding, it can be quite heavy (like a period) and I had bad cramps. Nothing that a Neurofen wouldn't numb, but worth being aware of. And make sure you can relax for the evening. Us women can't always be expected to bounce back from having such procedures. (Even though it's minor, I would love to see how men would react to such an invasive internal procedure!!!)
Bit uncomfortable, like a smear but prolonged! the more you relax the easier it is though...
sun_sparks said:
(Even though it's minor, I would love to see how men would react to such an invasive internal procedure!!!)

Try a cystoscopy in a man then - there just isn't any room for a camera in there - especially trying to push on up past the prostate.
Colposcopy itself isn't bad at all. If you need to have lletz it's more uncomfortable but the staff are very nice and help put you at ease (in the Rotunda anyway). The worst part is not being able to do stuff for 6 weeks afterwards.

If you like I can pm you with more specific details - not really subject matter for a public forum!
Practice some relaxation techniques and it will go much easier on you. I had it and found it quite painful but once i managed to relax (yoga breathing) it was not half as bad. Didn't have bleeding afterwards.
Thanks JohnnyBoy. I actually have read up everything and know all there is to know about it. I was really just looking for words of comfort from anyone who has undergone it. The intellect side of me is fine with it - it's the squeamish side that needs help!!
Well I hope your professor has a good bedside manner! I had a terrible experience in Drogheda... take a valium to relax
Feel free to pm for anymore info and the very best of luck!
gauloise said:
Well I hope your professor has a good bedside manner! I had a terrible experience in Drogheda... take a valium to relax
Feel free to pm for anymore info and the very best of luck!
Gauloise - I read your post 10 minutes before I left the house and almost cancelled the appointment!! I'm back home now and all is fine. He didn't have to do any procedure, just the examination. He was the nicest man in the world - the sort you'd be happy to have as a best pal. I'm sore from the iodine, and just generally queazy because I'm such a woos!! Other than that I'm fine.
Glad to hear it went ok Audrey. Like any such procedure, everyone has a slightly different experience!
Delighted to hear it Audrey and I'm sorry if I spooked you! As sun_sparks says we all have our own experiences..I was probably just unlucky