Personal details
Your age: 45
Your spouse's age: 45
Partner's age if not married:
Number and age of children: 2 children aged 7 and 8. One child has a lifelong disability and is unlikely to live independently.
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 72000
Annual gross income of spouse/partner: 58000
Monthly take-home pay: 7300
Mortgage 1100
Groceries 900
Childcare 800
Insurances 450
Car payment 550
Utilities 250
Type of employment - Both public servants
In general are you:
(a) spending more than you earn, or
(b) saving? We are saving and then spending on big projects. Currently save over 1000 euro a month
420 into a higher interest regular saver account
300 into an instant access rainy day account
350 into personal savings
And then anything extra gets dumped into another deposit account.
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 450000
Mortgage on family home: 180000
Net equity: 270,000
Cash: 14,000
Shares: about 25,000
Total net assets:
Family home mortgage information
Lender Haven
Interest rate 2.55% Fixed ending next month House has A BER rating now.
Remaining term: (Original term is not relevant) 18 years
Monthly repayment: 1084
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Car loan 550 per month for EV
Pension information
Value of pension fund:
I put 300 per month into AVCs. I will increase that if I can once we have decided what to do re mortgage.
I only have 10 years of pension contributions to my name (long story).
My partner will have a full UK pension and Irish pension as well as the public sector pension.
Other savings and investments:
CRH and Paddy Power shares which ought to be sold. Roughly worth about 25k. Not easily sold off now!
Other information which might be relevant
I also run a small farm (owned by a parent) that turns over about 20k per year at present. Any money made is invested back into it. Its mostly a hobby and an interest for both children but especially beneficial for my disabled child. I try to keep the farm finance separate to our employment income. So we neither put money in or take it out for family finances. I have a loan that was taken out there to purchase machinery that costs 280 per month against my name. That ends November 2026.
Life insurance: 3 policies
1 x mortgage protection (29 euro per month)
1 life assurance (35 euro per month)
1 x specific policy that will partly fund disabled child's trust (81 euro per month)
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I am posting here as feeling a bit directionless at the moment. Obviously our finances are very average compared to some on here and yet they could be so much worse. Its unusual for a family with my child's condition to have both parents working full time so we are fortunate that way.
The fixed rate mortgage is ending next month and we are considering remortgaging to allow us to finish the separate old part of this house and ready it to be a self contained unit for my disabled child when he is an adult in 10 years time. We have been doing work as we build up savings but it feels like it will never be finished. The most recent project was installing solar panels which will pay for themselves over time. We also installed insulation in it last year. It probably needs 40k to finish.
Our goals are to finish the old part of house and prepare for retirement and set up both children well. Not going to kid myself that I can retire early.
Your age: 45
Your spouse's age: 45
Partner's age if not married:
Number and age of children: 2 children aged 7 and 8. One child has a lifelong disability and is unlikely to live independently.
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 72000
Annual gross income of spouse/partner: 58000
Monthly take-home pay: 7300
Mortgage 1100
Groceries 900
Childcare 800
Insurances 450
Car payment 550
Utilities 250
Type of employment - Both public servants
In general are you:
(a) spending more than you earn, or
(b) saving? We are saving and then spending on big projects. Currently save over 1000 euro a month
420 into a higher interest regular saver account
300 into an instant access rainy day account
350 into personal savings
And then anything extra gets dumped into another deposit account.
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 450000
Mortgage on family home: 180000
Net equity: 270,000
Cash: 14,000
Shares: about 25,000
Total net assets:
Family home mortgage information
Lender Haven
Interest rate 2.55% Fixed ending next month House has A BER rating now.
Remaining term: (Original term is not relevant) 18 years
Monthly repayment: 1084
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Car loan 550 per month for EV
Pension information
Value of pension fund:
I put 300 per month into AVCs. I will increase that if I can once we have decided what to do re mortgage.
I only have 10 years of pension contributions to my name (long story).
My partner will have a full UK pension and Irish pension as well as the public sector pension.
Other savings and investments:
CRH and Paddy Power shares which ought to be sold. Roughly worth about 25k. Not easily sold off now!
Other information which might be relevant
I also run a small farm (owned by a parent) that turns over about 20k per year at present. Any money made is invested back into it. Its mostly a hobby and an interest for both children but especially beneficial for my disabled child. I try to keep the farm finance separate to our employment income. So we neither put money in or take it out for family finances. I have a loan that was taken out there to purchase machinery that costs 280 per month against my name. That ends November 2026.
Life insurance: 3 policies
1 x mortgage protection (29 euro per month)
1 life assurance (35 euro per month)
1 x specific policy that will partly fund disabled child's trust (81 euro per month)
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I am posting here as feeling a bit directionless at the moment. Obviously our finances are very average compared to some on here and yet they could be so much worse. Its unusual for a family with my child's condition to have both parents working full time so we are fortunate that way.
The fixed rate mortgage is ending next month and we are considering remortgaging to allow us to finish the separate old part of this house and ready it to be a self contained unit for my disabled child when he is an adult in 10 years time. We have been doing work as we build up savings but it feels like it will never be finished. The most recent project was installing solar panels which will pay for themselves over time. We also installed insulation in it last year. It probably needs 40k to finish.
Our goals are to finish the old part of house and prepare for retirement and set up both children well. Not going to kid myself that I can retire early.