I'm reviewing the LA Brokers Zurich PRSA application form at the moment as I'm considering it as an option for my pension. I don't have a pension and my company doesn't currently provide one. I had a question around the section on payment terms if anybody might be able to help, there's the direct debit option but also an option for 'salary deduction/employer contribution', does anybody know if this just relates to when your company contributes or is there a way to arrange payment of your pension through your employer through salary deduction and this is what it's referring to (even if they aren't contributing)?
In this case, is tax arranged so that you don't have to do a tax return at end of every year then? For reference the application form is on their website here & it's section 1c & 2 i'm referring to here, i'm not sure which to pick - https://www.labrokers.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/3281-Standard-PRSA.pdf.
On another note, if you have an LA Brokers Zurich PRSA i'd love to know how you're getting on with it & if you've run into any issues with the admin side of things as a result of not going direct with Zurich.
In this case, is tax arranged so that you don't have to do a tax return at end of every year then? For reference the application form is on their website here & it's section 1c & 2 i'm referring to here, i'm not sure which to pick - https://www.labrokers.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/3281-Standard-PRSA.pdf.
On another note, if you have an LA Brokers Zurich PRSA i'd love to know how you're getting on with it & if you've run into any issues with the admin side of things as a result of not going direct with Zurich.