L P Tax - Exemption cock up


Registered User
Will all those people who perused and checked this legislation be now hauled before the Public Accounts Committee to explain themselves?
Are people sure about this Irish thing? Anyone got a link? The Irish version of the constitution takes precedence oner the English version when there is a dispute but that doesn't mean that it is the same for every bit of legislation.
Yes it does. Every bill is produced in both languages.

There have been legal battles in the courts over the translations of legislation over the years.
Yes it does. Every bill is produced in both languages.

There have been legal battles in the courts over the translations of legislation over the years.

That's not saying that the Irish version will always get precedance over the English version though. I have only ever seen it stated that the Irish version of the Constitution is the definitive document. I struggle to see how a court would throw out a case because of an obvious translation mistake. I could see them do it for poorly drafted legislation in whatever language though. Is there case law for this where a case was thrown out because the Irish version was different due to translating mistakes?