L.A. Enforcement not enforcing?? Where now?



Hi there,
I have been following threads on boundary/hedgerow disputes, which have been very enlightening, thanks to all. My scenario is not unlike other mails, whereby my neighbour's (absentee holiday home owner, living 7 counties away),builder one day removed the 6ft high boundary hedgrow between our front gardens, to enable development of her conservatory (which is not this, but a regular room). In short the builder has built into the boundary fence (1.2metres wide), by 900mm almost a metre (including overhanging roof). I phoned the owner, which yielded 'who did I think I was, they have obtained planning', and got off the phone fuming. I then wrote to enforcement, an officer came out, looked at the building, was visibly alarmed at what had transpired; work had been stopped on the building; however I was astounded to receive a letter from the council a month later to say everything was in 'substantial' compliance with the planning granted, and that the removal of the hedgrow was a civil matter.
I have since written to the holiday home owner, requesting that she meet to discuss damage by next week or else my solicitor will be dealing with same. I would prefer not to have to go the legal route, obviously, however she seems oblivious to her wrongdoing. In the mean time the building is at roof stage.
My main query here is:
1) how can the planning authority stand over this? I have engaged an engineer and now a solicitor to protect my rights as a normal, compliant citizen, who does not relish having to deal with conflict, which has been caused by their negligent planning?
2) Do I have any form of redress now with the council, or is it just a waste of my time and energy, as planning can't be 'ungranted' once granted?
I look forward to thoughts and experience out there???