Kris Kindle Gold Fish & Tank idea


Registered User
Anyone know if i could get a goldfish and suitable bowl etc with fish food for 20 euro. I was at a garden centre and the cheapest bowl was 50 euro! Any ideas?

Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

Yes many thanks for that. Any idea where i could get such a vase?

Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

Dont know how much a goldfish and food would be, but if about €18, I am sure you could get the vase in a €2 shop.
Otherwise, the homeware departments of the likes of Dunnes, Tesco etc I am sure would have such an item.. Maybe even a florist may sell an empty vase.
Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

You want this for a present for someone?
I'd advise against it. They mightn't want to have to look after a goldfish.

Bowls are bad too, you'd need a tank.
Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

Yes for work colleague= not much work with a goldfish? wjat is wrong with a bowl? thanks
Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

I wouldn't spring a goldfish as a surprise on someone. The bowls require cleaning and the fish require feeding constantly. This can be a hassle if someone wants to go on holiday for a while or won't be home. It's a lot of hassle to spring on someone and it's never fair to give a creature as a present to someone who isn't expecting it. Goldfish are living creatures like anything else and require care that the recipient mightn't be willing to give. I'd go mad if someone landed me with one!
Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

The person i am proposing to buy for had a fish in the office and it died 2 years ago. So she knows all about care for same. Many thanks
Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

ah grand.. i thought she'd be trying to figure how to carry it home from the christmas party!!
Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

Bowls don't give enough oxegen into the water for a fish and are actually banned in some countries as they are cruel.
Re: Chriskindle Gold Fish & Tank idea

The person i am proposing to buy for had a fish in the office and it died 2 years ago. So she knows all about care for same. Many thanks

If she has the equipment from the previous fish coud you just get her the fish, fish food and a temporary bowl then? She could then transfer the fish to the old bowl/tank?

BTW are you sure its a good idea to give it to her before Christmas if the office is unoccupied and there might not be anybody there to feed it over the holidays?
Hi, Ive purchased a bowl (plastic ) with food,and loads of bits and pieces that are required for a new owner. I got it about 2 weeks ago in the Pet Shop near Cornelscourt for the great price of 25.euro, its for my daughter as a Christmas present. I have to collect the fish on Sunday, should be fun trying to hide it till Tuesday.! Fish was I think 2.95, which I have a voucher for. I think its a really great present.