Krakow in November


Registered User
Anyone been to Krakow in Nov ? Do the Christmas markets start then or is it just Dec ?
Got a Ryanair return flight for €20 return including tax & I couldn't resist !
Any recommendations for (a) hotels & (b)sights to see (apart from Auschwitz which is already on my list )
Not sure about the Christmas markets as I was there in October. Google it and I'm sure you'll find out. I stayed in The Wawel hotel which was a 2 minute walk to the main square. Highly recommended. Check out the reviews on tripadvisor.

Just found this on the markets. They must all start late November. I'm going to Germany in December and the dates are the same.

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I stayed in Hotel Kazimierz which was away from centre but you could easily walk in and get taxi home. It was in the jewish quarter and had bars and restaurants nearby .. it was very cheap and nothing wrong with it. Other hotels which I saw while there are nearer and more expensive but looked quite good where Hotel Floryan,Hotel Senacki and Hotel Europeski which is near a new shopping centre.
Yoltan, thanks for that. Looks like I'll be a bit early.
If it's Berlin you're going to be sure to go to the Gendarmenmarkt Christmas market. You pay €1 to get in whereas the others are free but it's well worth it. I was told by a German friend if you only have time to visit one to make it this one. I was there early Dec last yr.
Will look up all those hotels ...thanks Flexible.

Hotel Senacki was in a great location, 5 mins to main Sq and about 10 to the Jewish area. The staff were nice and breakfast was OK too (if you asked for the hot one and the proper coffee!!)

I was there early Dec and they were on - usual Christmas fair but lovely. If you check some travel sites they may have the exact dates. We went twice - stayed at Regent and Battory - both excellent, cheap and good walking locations.
Know you've said you're going to Auschwitz, but try get to Berkineau (sorry wrong spelling) as well. Only a short journey beyond Auschwitz but worth the visit. We went to the Salt Mines (very popular) but were less than impressed.
Don`t go anywhere near Auschwicz or Birkenau unless you are mentally prepared for what went on there. People will say "you have to go there" but I think thats rubbish. A girl friend of mine refused to go when we were there and I myself felt slightly unwell after. The mood was more subdued later over a few beers back in Krakow.
There is tons of stuff on death camps on the net without having to go and see it yourself
Thanks for that gebbel. I read with interest your post on Gdansk. It was most informative.
I don't feel like I have to go see Auschwicz. Travel for me is about seeing places bad as well as good. I have a passionate interest in history & I like to see all these places I've read/studied about. It's just about reality.
I find it more upsetting seeing the poor donkeys in Morocco carrying such heavy loads or the poverty & begging in India, China etc. At least Auschwitz is in the past.
So don't worry about me..... but I'm grateful for your warning.
Don`t go anywhere near Auschwicz or Birkenau unless you are mentally prepared for what went on there.

Talk about stating the obvious. It's the site of the biggest mass murder in history. It's hardly a picnic.

If you have any interest in this part of history then it's a trip you should take. 4 of us went the day before we came home because we were well prepared for how it would make us feel. Had a few quiet drinks later that night and discussed it for hours. It's an unbelievably sad place to visit but it happened and it's there for people that want to visit.

gebbel, stick with Disneyland.
I went to Krakow twice - first time I felt I couldn't do Auschwitz/Birkenau - hard to explain but as I had gone also to the Christmas Markets, its somehow didn't feel the right place to go as well. Went back a few months later and I felt compelled to go - can't explain that either! Its really something for each individual at any time Yep its certainly a huge part of our history but its not a "tourist attraction" if you know what I mean? Krakow from its own lovely historic past is well worth seeing - castle, etc. and Auschwitz/Birkenau if you feel led to revisit that awful time. Just for whats its worth, I though Birkenau much more powerful - more open, untouched, more haunting, that watchtower and railway track! You can wander off away from the crowds and think deeply about what was allowed to happen:(
I though Birkenau much more powerful - more open, untouched, more haunting, that watchtower and railway track! You can wander off away from the crowds and think deeply about what was allowed to happen:(

Definitely a place where you get lost in your thoughts. Our driver first drove us to the back entrance of Birkenau. The memorial is so moving. It was a beautiful, crisp, quiet October day when we visited and I found it so hard to believe that what I had just seen in Auschwitz had happened in such a peaceful place. I noticed a class of teenagers from school sitting with their teacher and learning about what had happened there. In my opinion I think everyone should visit at a young age and learn exactly where hatred can lead to.
I agree totally with the last few posts.
I do think it's good to remind ourselves just how lucky we are to be able to live lives free from persecution & war (at least in this part of the world ) & to remember those in the past who were victims of hatred & violence.
Yoltan, that's a good idea to leave it till near the end of the break. I'll do the more cheerful things first as I'm sure it does leave you in a more pensive mood.
perplexed, we (sadly) only had 3 days there. All 4 of us agreed that we wanted to visit Auschwitz but common sense told us that it's not the most pleasant day trip! We had a great time exploring the city for the first 2 days. On the last morning we found a driver that brought us to Auschwitz/Birkenau. He brought us around and waited while we saw what we wanted to see. I think it was about E15 each for the whole trip. I'd recommend doing it that way as it gives you so much time. I've heard the coach trips to Birkenau give you very limited time. After doing the trip we had a very chilled evening with dinner and a few drinks. Yes it's upsetting but if it interests you I'd say definitely go. Krakow is a lovely city with some great bars and restaurants. Here's a few links. A lovely restaurant. Great atmosphere, lovely food and really cheap. Only got to have lunch here as there were so many to choose from. Grat bar if you like live jazz. (Great bar even if you don't!) One of the better sites about Krakow I thought.
