Knocklyon Apartments


Registered User
Hi! Anyone know if the draw has been done for the Knocklyon apartments that are on I only applied for the AH in January, received the letter back from the council about a week later to say everything was grand and that we were on the panal. Received an email then today to say that we have been aproved and the waiting time is approx 6-8 months. Would love the Knocklyon apartments though!
They have been allocated a good few months ago. There was only a handful anyway.

Expect to wait roughly 12 months to be honest and you could be offered anywhere in Citywest/Saggart/tallaght. I am on the list 9 months and dont expect an offer for at least another 6.
They're on as upcoming developments....thats a shame!
Don't mind waiting a year for it. I know 4 different people that were waiting no longer than 3 months since the day they applied to receive offers and accept them. One got a apt in the Docklands.....meant to be fabulous!
Property path isnt updated enough - its crap to say the least!

Your friends probably went through the Affordable housing inititiave - which I think is quicker but to apply you must be earning over 40k pa. Also Docklands is Dublin City council, every council has different time frames but I know SDCC is definitely 12-18months, so happy waiting!!